
  • How Do I Improve The Results of a Vitamin D3 Test?

    There are several ways through which you can improve your Vitamin D3 test results, from diet and lifestyle to medication and exercising. You can also focus on improving your intake of vitamin D supplements so that you're able to maintain optimal levels withi... View Post
  • Here's how to identify vitamin deficiency small white spots on skin

    The presence of white spots on the skin can be a sign of a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Your skin can start to show signs of a core deficiency which can cause white patches on the skin. It's important to understand which vitamin deficiency is responsible f... View Post
  • How do I manage Vit B deficiency? What are the B complex tablet uses?

    One of the most important aspects of vitamin b complex deficiency management is diet and lifestyle changes. In the event that you are deficient in vitamin B, your doctor may also recommend supplementation as a key option. If you have the medication to addres... View Post
  • What are Omega 3 fatty acids? How can I improve fatty acids intake?

    Omega 3s or Omega 3 fatty acids are integral parts of the cell membrane across several functions in the body. They impact the management of various cell receptors, and provide the initial point for making hormones for the regulation of several bodily process... View Post
  • The Role of Genetics in Nutrition And Absorption

    We, as humans, may all possess the same set of genes. But our environmental conditions including weather, availability of resources etc. determine which genes are prominently expressed. This not just influences our individual physical appearance but also has... View Post
  • What is the Best Time to Get Vitamin D From Sun in India?

    The best time to get Vitamin D from sun in India is between 9 am and 1 PM, depending on where you are located and how much access to direct sunlight you have. It is also important to get direct sunlight on our bodies at least 4-5 times a week, as 7-dehydroch... View Post
  • What is Vitamin B12 test for?

    A vitamin B12 test can be performed for a variety of reasons. You could require it to diagnose certain health conditions and to find the root cause of key symptoms. A change in dietary intake of Vitamin B12 can also lead some to get tested for their levels from a precautionary standpoint.... View Post
  • Managing a vitamin D deficiency - Symptoms, diagnosis, causes, and treatment

    Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins in the body, and is a fat soluble vitamin that the body produces after exposure to the sun (specifically through UVB photons). After consumption, through diet or Vitamin D supplements, it is converted into an a... View Post