Can Prolactin test Infertility? How do I Fix Prolactin Levels?

Yes, higher levels of prolactin (PRL) in women can cause infertility. You should get a complete hormonal profile done to understand the risk of infertility, along with other problems such as brittle bones, weakness, etc.

Medication can be your primary treatment protocol if you have higher levels of prolactin in the blood. This will be determined by your doctor, with regards to what your prescription treatment will be to help bring prolactin levels back to normal.

After treatment, you can check for your infertility risk through multi-marker testing to know if it is still present. It is important to also get a complete blood check-up done to know if there may be other potential factors that could be causing infertility.



Here's how you can fix your prolactin levels

If you're experiencing issues with conception or sexual dysfunction, then testing and fixing your PRL can be helpful. The prolactin test infertility specific results can help in understanding whether your levels are too high along with other hormonal issues.


Your doctor may prescribe prolactin inhibitors or dopamine agonists to help with high prolactin levels. Your test measures the amount of prolactin in the blood, based on which the appropriate dosage can be prescribed as the treatment.


Supplementation for B and E vitamins, can help in regulating prolactin functioning in the body in some cases. You can also check for medication and supplementation to help with deficiencies in your hormones or vitamins to help with overall regulation.

Better diet

A healthy diet that includes a range of nutrients can help normalize the levels of high prolactin over time. Foods like bananas, fish, beans, and spinach contain essential B vitamins which can have an effect on prolactin over time.

Changing lifestyle

You would have to drastically change your lifestyle habits to help fix elevated prolactin levels in the body. Prolactin is a hormone that can have a neuroprotective effect on the central nervous system, which is vital for homeostasis and wellbeing.

Lowering stress

Your pituitary gland can respond positively when there is lower stress in the environment. High levels of prolactin can generally indicate periods of higher stress, which can impact the pituitary gland. A prolactin test done regularly can help with tracking levels. 

You should also get these tests done for infertility

There are specific fertility tests for both men and women, that can be performed to check for underlying issues. Any potential issues detected can be treated with medication, supplementation, or surgery, to help improve the chances of conception.

For men, the overall health of the individual along with the hormonal profile can be analysed to help determine fertility.

Semen analysis

The sperm count, dimensions, and movement can be analysed to check for fertility indicators. Your diet, lifestyle, and genetics can play a role in your semen analysis and your fertility.

Hormonal profile

Your testosterone, cortisol, thyroid, LH, and FSH, can be analysed to check for issues with fertility and hormone regulation. The overall hormone profile can be helpful for men to check for any underlying issues.

Imaging tests

A scrotal ultrasound is generally recommended when trying to understand the functioning of the male genitalia. Issues with fertility can be detected through the ultrasound, especially to detect any sites of damage.

For women, the following tests will be important to test for infertility and to check for a potential healthy pregnancy outcome. You can get more information about your health and identify core areas you can treat for better health.

Ovulation testing

Ovulation testing can check for ovulation through hormonal testing. Your ovulation, as well as your overall menstrual cycle can be analysed to detect risks of infertility or issues with conception.

Hormonal profile

Your FSH, progesterone, and PRL will be checked within the hormonal profile to detect irregularities. You can take medication and change your diet and lifestyle, to improve these levels over time.

Ovarian reserve testing

Your reserve eggs can be checked for potential fertility to help you understand whether you can have a baby. Your ovarian reserve test may also be vital for IVF and other treatment options.

Imaging tests

Imaging tests, such as ultrasounds, can check for issues with the ovaries, endometrial lining and uterus. Your menstrual cycle, follicular tracking, and endometrial thickness can be checked through the test. 

* * Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).