How to get rid of period cramps long-term

There are several strategies to get rid of menstrual cramps within the shorter term. You can try home remedies, medication, pain killers, etc. Your focus should also be on how to get rid of your period pain long-term through the right diet, stress management, hormonal regulation, etc.

In the event of severe pain during the days of your period, you should consult with a doctor. They can help with understanding why you are experiencing pain during your period. You can do a complete health check-up to help with understanding why you may be experiencing cramping and pain.

Quick relief for period pain

You can opt for these quick relief measures for how to get rid of period cramps. These can help with improving your period pain symptoms, while also providing relief during a stressful time. You can also get a complete health check-up to check why you are experiencing pain.

Heating pad

Using a heating pad can be the right short term measure to help deal with the intense period pain. You can relieve menstrual cramps through the addition of heat, which can help with period cramps.

Oil massage

You can choose to go for an oil massage or order one at home, so that you can get relief during your period days. The massage can help improve circulation and reduce pain that may arise from cramping and back pain.

Pain killer

You can add over the counter medication for pain relief. If you are constantly experiencing period pain during menstruation, then getting a complete health check-up done will be key. Getting a test of the hormonal profile will be able to provide more information.


You can improve your sodium and potassium balance through electrolytes balancing. This can provide you with the right hydration for better relief from cramping. You can also improve your sodium balance through added salt water, if you are losing salt through natural processes.

Long-term strategies for period pain

You can also opt for these long-term strategies to help with your period pain. These can be vital for improving your symptoms, as well as providing relief when you have cramping, pain, and pressure in your lower abdomen.

Nutritional plan

You can improve your intake of vitamins K, C, and E, to help with hormonal balancing, vitality, pain management, etc. You can add a range of fruits and vegetables, while opting for a more natural diet that can improve your overall sense of wellbeing and balance.



Hormonal management

You should get a complete hormonal check-up done, especially for oestrogen, progesterone, and T3, to check for any potential imbalances that may lead to pain. These hormones can often be checked for any potential issues within the menstrual cycle.

Stress management

Stress management can also help with the psychological reasons for pain and cramping. Your stress hormones may be leading to a higher build up of cortisol which can lead to other problems. These can be vital to track as stress can increase the overall load on the body.


Your doctor may prescribe combined oral contraceptive pills or progestin-only methods in some cases to deal with the period pain. You should consult with your doctor about the right type of medication for your period pain.



Tested for conditions

You can get a complete blood test, ultrasound, and MRI test done to check for any issues within your uterus. These tests can help detect any potential problems which may require treatment, medication, and other interventions. 

* * Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).