Hair & Skin Analysis test

Hair Fall and Hair Treatment Packages at Home

MyDiagnostics Hair Mineral & Toxic Test at Home in Gurgaon
MyDiagnostics Hair Mineral & Toxic Test at Home in Gurgaon

Hair Analysis - At-Home Hair Mineral & Toxicity Test in Gurgaon

Rs. 3,499
MyDiagnostics Female Pattern Hair Loss – Vitamin, Iron Deficiency & Hormonal Blood Test at Home in Gurgaon
MyDiagnostics Female Pattern Hair Loss – Vitamin, Iron Deficiency & Hormonal Blood Test at Home in Gurgaon

Female Pattern Hair Loss – Vitamin, Iron Deficiency & Hormonal Blood Test at Home in Gurgaon

Rs. 5,500
MyDiagnostics DHT Hair Loss Check Comprehensive - Male in Gurgaon
MyDiagnostics DHT Hair Loss Check Comprehensive - Male in Gurgaon

DHT Hair Loss Check Comprehensive - Male in Gurgaon

Rs. 5,500

What is Hair Loss?

Hair loss refers to the frequent falling of hair due to genetic, poor nutrition, lifestyle choices, and other reasons. It can also be due to alopecia, in which case you can lose hair from a specific part of the scalp.

Normal hair loss is considered to be around 50-100 strands a day, and is easily replaced with new healthy hair. However, in some cases, hair regrowth is slower requiring treatment for hair loss. Hair treatment may be required for hair loss reversing and improving quality of hair.

What causes Hair Loss?

There are several reasons behind hair loss, which is why it is important to get a comprehensive hair fall control test done to determine root cause.

Genetic factor for hair loss 

There can be a genetic factor in hair loss requiring hair thinning treatment or hair transplant for some individuals. Male and female pattern hair loss is generally irreversible, especially if you have a family history of hair loss.

Shifts in hormones

Hormonal changes due to puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and thyroid issues can also give rise to hair loss. You can opt for a hair fall solution that targets hormonal deficiencies for hair regeneration.

Medication causing hair loss

Some medication can lead to a side-effect of hair fall. This can occur in the case of chronic illnesses, that require long-term medication. You may want to opt for the best hair fall treatment option and consult with your doctor about managing side effects.

Dietary limitations

Dietary issues, deficiencies, and nutritional gaps can lead to issues with hair fall and hair loss over time. You may be having deficiencies in Vitamin B12 and D, which can cause chronic hair fall problems.

Stress and lifestyle choices

A temporary spike in stress cortisol levels can have a hair fall reaction. These may be shorter term based hair loss issues, requiring the use of the best hair regrowth treatment option for regeneration. You should get a complete hair loss check to measure what levels were impacted due to stress.


As we get older, our bodies ability to continually produce high quality hair follicles reduces, giving rise to hair thinning and hair fall. The natural pigment in the hair may change, along with the texture, volume, etc.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia may be the reason behind your hair loss, especially if you are losing hair in clumps or patches. These patches can be treated with direct medication injections as a part of an alopecia or hair thinning treatment.

What are some of the lesser known reasons for hair loss?

There can be several lesser known reasons that can cause hair loss in individuals which are important to be aware of.

Medical treatment (such as Cancer)

Chemotherapy can impact hair roots and cause hair loss all over the body. Based on the type and level of chemotherapy, you can experience hair fall from thinning to complete loss. In most cases, it is temporary and can be reversed with the right hair treatment.

Imbalance in hormones

Some individuals may experience short term imbalances in hormone levels, with either low testosterone or high oestrogen. There may be issues with the thyroid, gonads, or pituitary glands, which can create hair loss as an effect of imbalance.

Scalp infection

A scalp infection, such as ringworm, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. can create hair loss in patches, with the skin appearing reddish and cracked. Regrowth may be difficult if you are continuing to experience scalp infections.

What are the types of alopecia areata?

There are 4 types of alopecia that you should be aware of.

Alopecia areata totalis

In this type of alopecia, you may lose all the hair on the head due to the condition. A regular hair growth treatment may not be enough in this case.

Alopecia areata universalis

In this type of alopecia, hair loss is experienced over the entire body. This may impact the scalp, eyebrows, and other areas where hair grows normally.

Diffuse alopecia areata

Diffuse alopecia creates a condition wherein you suddenly experience hair thinning, instead of losing hair in patches.

Ophiasis alopecia areata

You can lose your hair in a band shape around the side and back of the head if you have this type of alopecia. You need to consult with a specialist immediately if you notice that you are losing hair in this pattern.

Key types of hair loss

Depending on the type of hair loss you have, you can opt for that hair growth treatment protocol.

Male pattern hair loss

Male pattern baldness is largely genetic, and can be impacted by hormones, lifestyle, diet, medication, and some hair treatments. If you are at risk of male pattern hair loss, due to family history, then it is best to lower your risk factor. Men will largely experience hair loss in the following areas -

Temples: Hair will start thinning around the temples and at the top of the back of the head, also known as the crown or vertex.

Receding hairline: Hair starts thinning and moving back around the front of the head on the sides.

Top of the head: One will notice hair thinning at the top of their head.

Female pattern hair loss

Women can experience female pattern hair loss caused by genetic factors and family history of hair loss on either side. It can occur between the ages of 12 and 40, and can cause thinning at some point in life. Your risk factors can play a critical role, such as genetics, hormonal balance, diet, lifestyle, stress, pregnancy, etc. Excessive use of hair styling products, or hair dyeing solutions can also lead to hair loss.

How can I prevent hair loss?

Hair loss can be prevented by doing the following -

Scalp massage - Regularly massaging the bald areas can result in hair growth. One of the main causes of hair loss in men is a lack of blood circulation in the head. Blood brings oxygen to the hair follicles, which is essential in stimulating and maintaining hair growth. Therefore, regular scalp massages help keep the blood circulation high and bring those important elements to the scalp.

Coconut Milk - Coconut milk is rich in nutrients and vitamins, which are essential for hair growth.

Egg Wash - Eggs rich in protein help keep hair thick and strong.

Antioxidant Foods - Certain fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants, which are the leading defense mechanisms of the body against free radicals. Some of the conditions that free radicals can cause include premature aging and the death of skin cells, including those of the scalp.

Biotin - Biotin is a vitamin that may increase hair growth. Foods that contain biotin include nuts and brown rice

Is hair regrowth possible? How to regrow hair?

According to experts, it depends on the hair follicle.  If a follicle has closed, disappeared, scarred, or not generated a new hair in years, then a new hair wouldn’t be able to grow. But if the follicle is still intact, it is possible to regrow the hair or to improve the health of the existing thinner hairs.

Test Includes :

Hair Loss Check Comprehensive - Male

Male pattern baldness is a condition that causes hair loss and hair thinning in males. The main cause is genetics and the presence of androgenic hormones such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This home based blood test provided by MyDiagnostics is used to diagnose this condition in males.

Hair Loss Causes - Female Thinning Hair Fall Diagnosis

About one-third of females experience hair loss at some point in their lifetime. Potential causes of hair fall and hair thinning in women include genetics, nutritional deficiency, hormonal imbalances etc which can lead to androgenetic alopecia. This home based test helps in diagnosing the above conditions.

Hair Mineral& Toxic Test

This an at home blood test that analyses hair follicles for heavy metal toxicity (14 parameters) and mineral deficiency and imbalances (11 parameters).

This hair follicle test can also screen for illicit drug use.

When new hair cells form, they intake trace substances through the bloodstream and as hair grows new cells push the older ones out of the bulb, which die and harden, keeping a long record (90 days) of toxins and minerals in the individual's blood stream at the time of formation