The Right Food to Eat during Diarrhea and How to Treat it Correctly
When you have diarrhea, there may be several factors behind it. You can have a stomach flu, an allergen reaction, or exposure to certain types of bacteria. While you can treat diarrhoea to a certain extent with food, you should get tested for the underlying reason.
You may need to start medication, antibiotics, or new lifestyle changes that can mitigate the symptoms through comprehensive changes. A blood test is a critical way through which the right underlying cause can be identified and treated.
You can start with these top options in food to eat during diarrhea, and improve your symptoms significantly. You can also add these foods to your overall diet to help with digestion and improve wellbeing.
Here are the right foods to eat during diarrhea
It is important to know what to eat when you have diarrhea especially if you have diarrhea for several days. It can impact your wellbeing, vitality, and daily activities. These foods can help improve the signs of diarrhea and help you get relief within a few days.
it is also important to avoid foods that can trigger a stomach episode so that you're able to recover fully during this time. You can also start strategies such as massage, warm water baths, etc. for easing stress and improving circulation.
Bananas are a part of the BRAT diet, which are food that are right for your stomach during diarrhea. The acronym stands for bananas rice applesauce and toast, which are foods that are optimal for improving digestion.

Dates contain the necessary potassium and fibre to help improve your bowel movements. You can add them directly into your diet or in a liquid form if there is difficulty in eating due to loss of appetite.

Applesauce is one of the best foods that you can consume to help you improve your digestive system. You can puree apples and consume them in a liquid form to benefit from their insoluble high fibre, which can bind the stool better.
Yogurt is naturally rich in healthy gut microbiota, which can improve your nutritional absorption and overall digestive functioning. You can add yogurt to rice to help bind the stool and improve the overall digestive outflow.
The fibre content in toast can help with curbing diarrhoea. You can add butter to the toast for more fat into your diet, or add jam to make it more palatable. You should also opt for multigrain bread to increase the fibre amount further.
Fibre biscuits or crackers
Fortified foods such as fibre or digestive biscuits can be ideal for snacks for someone with diarrhoea for more than a few days. These can also help in regulating the stool and providing binding.
Oats are rich in soluble fibre and contain antioxidants that can improve wellbeing. You can add oat meal to your morning meals, and consume them as a snack in the form of oat bars. You can add some chocolate to them to consume them naturally.

Here's how you can treat your diarrhea correctly
The right approach is to follow a structured way to treat your diarrhea symptoms. You can also be mindful of any symptoms connected to other digestive problems, such as chronic illnesses, infections, and contamination exposure.
Stool test and blood test
A stool test can detect infections and bacteria that can cause diarrhoea. A blood test will be able to determine any nutritional deficiencies, allergens, and markers for digestive issues.
Your doctor should be able to prescribe the right medication or antibiotics for infections, bacteria, etc. You can also start taking fibre supplements, husk, and other OTC products to help with digestion.
Food changes
You need to switch over to natural foods that are rich in nutrients, and shy away from highly processed or overly fried foods. You need to focus on the core nutritional value of each food that you consume in an active way.
Lifestyle changes
You would have to cut out smoking, drinking, and other lifestyle related activities that could be exposing your body to toxins and causing digestive issues.
Secondary analysis
Your doctor may recommend an ultrasound, endoscopy, or other imaging tests to check for other causes behind your diarrhoea.
** Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).