Fiber Foods For Weight Loss

If you're here, you're already one step closer to your weight loss journey. So without further adieu, let's dive in!

Importance of eating high fiber foods

Eating a high fiber diet can promote weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, improve heart health, fight constipation, and feed friendly bacteria to the gut. Encompassing these pointers, it is crucial to stay on top of your nutrition game and incorporate fiber content in your food.

What is fiber and why is it important?

Simply put fiber is a carbohydrate that your body can't digest. While most carbohydrates are broken down into further sugar molecules, fiber does not. Here are some classifications of fiber -

Dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is found in plants and is the indigestible part of it. But these are the fibers we consume on a regular basis.

Added fiber

Like its name suggests, added fiber is added during the processing phase to enhance the benefits they hold.

Soluble fiber

Again like its name implies, soluble fibers are easily digestible and are water soluble.

Insoluble fiber

These fibers are not soluble and can be hard to digest.

15 High Fiber Foods To Add To Your Diet


Pears are a great source of fiber and is usually eaten with the skin since it is the more nutritious part. Besides the fact that it's extremely tasty when eaten as itself, it can be added to salads for an exotic flavour.

A medium sized pear contains about 5.5 grams of fiber.


Strawberries are one of the most sought after fruit there is because of its flavour. But this fruit when added to your diet can help increase fiber. Whether it is on your breakfast cereal or as a midday snack, strawberries are an excellent source of fiber content.


Avocados have a great amount of fibre and is the reason why it is the most popular choice among those on their weight loss journey. They contain both soluble and insoluble fiber in their diet.

What do they aid in? They reduce the risk of heart issues and improves metabolism. Some interesting ways you can consume avocados is to mash it into your salad or even have it as a spread to your toast for breakfast.

You're bound to get 2-3 grams of dietary fiber for a medium sized avocado.


One again, there's an item from the fruits and vegetables category that ticks off both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Apples are tasty and a go to for those who want to maintain their diet on the go but did you know that it has 4.4 grams of fiber in medium sized apple?

Besides being eaten as a whole, apples are also added to salads, eaten with cereal, and as a after-workout snack.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds such as chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds and sesame seeds have the ability to add fiber to your diet. There's no shortage of ideas to consume nuts and seeds in your diet as they can be eaten in various ways including as a snack, sprinkled on your oatmeal, midday snack, and so much more.

Not to mention, consuming these are a healthier alternatives to other snacking ideas.


Its a known and much followed fast that bananas contain a good source of nutrients and adds to your fiber intake. It solely works on many areas of nutrition and works wonders on your digestive system.

A banana in the morning on a toast spread with peanut butter can up your protein and fiber intake for the day: pro tip! You can also carry a banana with you to work to satiate those midday hunger pangs.


Carrots have a lot of health benefits including a good source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, magnesium, and beta carotene. Carrots can either be eaten raw or cooked and make a great addition to your primary meals.

If you want to add more fiber to your diet, carrots are a great choice! 1 cup of carrots has 3.6 grams of fiber so make sure to incorporate them into your diet.


Broccoli has made the rounds in all our lists and that's a testament to the affects it has on your body. Like most of know, broccoli is a nutrient-dense food which contains vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, potassium, and iron.

Another good news is that broccoli is a high protein vegetable but at the same time it's low in calories which makes it an amazing choice. The fiber content is 2.4 grams of fiber in 1 cup.

Broccoli is one of high fiber foods that is popularly used worldwide!

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts is similar to broccoli in its nutritious value and has great sources of vitamin K and potassium.

They help you feel full for longer and reduces cholesterol levels. Adding brussels sprouts to your diet can be a part of a healthy diet. Your gut will thank you!

What food contains highest amount of fiber?

While all the high fiber foods we have mentioned above are high in fiber, the highest among them are lentils, celery, and oatmeal. Having them on a regular basis can help you maintain a balanced diet.

How can I get 30 grams of fiber daily?

It can be tricky to be consistent with your fiber intake and stick with a meal plan. So we thought we would make it easy for you and list out options that you can aid your fiber intake on a daily basis.

Breakfast: Blueberries, oatmeal, banana, and strawberries

Lunch: Brown rice, broccoli, and split peas.

Snack: Pear, banana, carrots

Dinner: Whole wheat toast with an avocado spread

Fiber content in your meals

Adding fiber content to your meals regularly can aid your bodily needs and help you lose weight and level your cholesterol levels. Fiber is an important need to your daily routine and sticking to it can make massive changes to your overall health.

* * Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).