Foods for Fat Burning
Time to read 4 min
Time to read 4 min
If you are someone on your weight loss journey and are looking for ways to better your metabolism, then you must be thorough with foods that can help burn fat. Fat burning foods are those those that help quicken your metabolism which can further make your weight loss journey easier.
Fat burning works when your body breaks down fat and in return provides energy for your body. In simple words, here's how it goes -
Fat burning foods are those that increase your metabolism and not add to the fat accumulation in your body. They tend to keep you full for longer which can help you curb your appetite.
Want to know what they are? Keep reading!
Blueberries have proven to be a pathway to weight loss. Among the weight loss list, this one definitely tops the list.
The anthocyanins that the fruit is rich in, is a major player in oxidation of fat. Blueberries have a way of keeping your body full for longer which can reduce food intake.
Having blueberries in the morning can help boost your metabolism and makes for a great breakfast. Sprinkle them in your cereal or consume them as is - it's delicious as is.
Green tea is that stereotyped drink people associate with weight loss but to the chatter's defence, it is a great aid for weight loss. Green tea which is rich in caffeine and polyphenols may reduce calorie intake which can cause you to lose weight.
There's also research that shows that an enzyme called catechol-O-methyltransferase can burn fat quickly. Walking right after consuming green tea can bring about quicker results.
A motivational tip: however underwhelming the taste of green tea might be, remember it's one effective fat burning foods.
Another banger of an ingredient to reduce hunger pangs is ginger!
Drinking ginger infused water or even consuming ginger as part of a meal can help with weight loss and increase metabolism. It's one of those fat burning foods that is an ingredient so might be easier to incorporate.
Turmeric is a miracle ingredient in helping to lose weight and reduces inflammation. The component that's the most active from turmeric is called curcumin which stimulates oxidation.
Having turmeric infused water in the morning can help with fat burning and bring about a visible change in the way you feel in your body.
Nuts and seeds are rich in fiber and can increase your BMR(Base Metabolic Rate). This means it increases your calorie burn even when you aren't exercising or in a movement.
These are best consumed during snack breaks and are easily portable. Not to mention, they are tasty as much as they are healthy so its a win-win!
Another surprising one on the list, isn't it?
Most people glide over the fact that caffeine actually increases fat oxidation which makes it easier to lose weight. This is also proof that fat burning foods sometimes come in the form of beverages.
Caffeine is also known to decrease calorie intake or help maintain optimal body weight.
Not adding sugar cubes to this would make it more effective!
We're coming full circle with this one because it makes for dessert and it's also proof that you don't have to deprive yourself while on your diet.
The polyphenols present in dark chocolate is known to increase BMR and help burn fat faster.
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If you're a gym bro or know anyone who is, this term would seem familiar.
Whey protein has a higher TERF than other proteins which can keep you full for longer and enable you to eat fewer calories. This way you're getting your protein intake and consuming lesser calories.
Yogurt is a good source of protein and can help immensely with weight loss. The most preferred type among them would be Greek yogurt or the plain one since they don't have added sweeteners.
Eating a yogurt in the morning for breakfast can cause you to stay full for a longer time. Try to sprinkle in some blueberries to double the effect!
Chili peppers or capsicums are one of those fat burning foods that contain capsaicin which can improve metabolism and is great for weight loss.
If you're someone with a good spice tolerance then eating them wouldn't be a task but if the spice can get to you, we suggest adding it as part of your existing diet to even it out.
Besides foods, there are things that you can add as part of your regimen to contribute to weight loss,=. Fat burning is a combination of diet and movement along with other things.
Walking is considered a great tip for fat burning and can speed your weight loss. Mixing in cardio with weight training is also a great way to lose weight and stay in shape. Drinking at least 2-3 litres of water is also crucial in keeping your body hydrated and fat burning.
* * Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).