Can Vitamin B12 deficiency be a sign of cancer?

Time to read 3 min

A vitamin B12 deficiency is not linked directly to cancer, and can't be used as a marker to test for any type of cancer directly. A deficiency in B12 may increase the risk of certain types of cancer, along with other factors that may be applicable. You should always consult with a doctor if you are experiencing any symptoms.

A cancer diagnosis involves blood testing, imaging tests, and biopsies, which is why getting a vitamin B 12 test can't help doctors diagnose your condition. You should still track the symptoms of B 12 deficiency, as vitamin b12 is vital for proper biological functioning.

What are the markers for diagnosing cancer?

Tumour cell markers during a biopsy are generally used to diagnose cancer. Your doctor may recommend a CT scan, blood test, mammography, biopsy, and other tests to detect the condition. You can also consult with your doctor about your risk factors for certain types of cancer that you may be at higher risk for based on lifestyle, family history, diet, etc.

Should I track B12 closely?

You should track the symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency closely in the event that you may have the signs of the vitamin B12 or other low levels. B12 is vital for red blood cells production, hair, nails, skin, bone health, etc. which is why vitamin b12 levels are important to manage. The levels of vitamin b12 in the body should be reviewed. 

What are the signs of B12 deficiency?

When asking, can vitamin b12 deficiency be a sign of cancer, it is important to know the signs of a B12 deficiency.


You can experience breathlessness and issues with rapid breathing, if you're deficient in B12. You can also experience problems with breathing and heart rate management if you're deficient in vitamin B12.

Issues with hair quality

You can have issues with hair quality if you're deficient in B12. You can have issues with texture, quality, and other problems that are connected to B12 deficiencies. You can add supplementation to improve your B12 levels.

Problems with skin

Skin problems are vital to track if you're deficient in B12. You can experience dark spots and pigmentation in some cases where there may be a deficiency or skin issue.

Mood management issues

You can experience mood management issues, or problems with mood swings if you're deficient in nutrients. You should focus on your B vitamins and Folate intake so that you're able to improve your mood issues.


You could have a higher risk of anaemia or other conditions, which can cause palpitations in some cases. Your palpitations may feel like a sudden anxiousness sensation, which may require further analysis.


You can experience long-term fatigue and weakness when you're deficient in B12. You can also experience low strength and an overall sensation of low energy levels if you have a deficiency. 

Top vitamin B12 foods

You should opt for these vitamin B12 foods to improve your levels.


You can add eggs for B12, protein, and healthy fats. You can ensure that your eggs are of higher quality and you're able to get maximum value of B12 from your eggs consumption.


Chicken is ideal for anyone looking to improve their protein intake, as well as their vitamin B12. You can cook chicken in a variety of ways, which is why it is a versatile B12 source.


Milk that is fresh and of higher quality can be good for getting more B12. Milk can be an excellent source of protein, fat, and calcium which can also improve the nutritional absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Fortified foods

Foods that are fortified for B12 are ideal for consumption when you're deficient or are trying to manage the levels. You can also add supplements of B12 to help improve your levels.


Cheese is another excellent source of B12 and can be consumed directly. You can also prepare different types of cheeses so that you're able to maximize your B12 intake when you're enhancing your nutrition.


Fish is a great source of B12, giving you about 2.8 µg of B12 per 100 gm. You can cook fish in a range of ways to maximize your B12 consumption. You can also add a range of other B12 foods to boost the overall amount.

* * Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).

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