  • MyDiagnostics Hair Mineral & Toxic Test at Home in hyderabad
MyDiagnostics (NABL, CAP, ISO Lab)

Hair Analysis - At-Home Hair Mineral & Toxicity Test in Hyderabad

Rs. 14,000

Rs. 3,499

(100% Discount)

Test Parameters

Heavy Metals/Toxins Profile (5)

Heavy Metals/Toxins Profile (5)

  1. Arsenic (As)
  2. Aluminimum (Al)
  3. Cadmium (Cd)
  4. Lead (Pb)
  5. Mercury (Hg)
Minerals Profile (12)

Minerals Profile (12)

  1. Chromium
  2. Potassium
  3. Magnesium
  4. Cobalt
  5. Manganese
  6. Copper
  7. Selenium
  8. Sodium
  9. Calcium
  10. Iron
  11. Zinc
  12. Nickel 
Key Ratios (4)

Key Ratios (4)

  1. Sodium : Potassium 
  2. Calcium : Magnesium 
  3. Zinc : Copper 
  4. Magnesium :  Potassium

Sample Required: Hair
Test Mode: At Home
Turn Around Time: 15 days from receiving sample
Fasting Time: N/A
Recommended for: All Ages, Autism Spectrum, Mental Health

About the Hair Analysis - Minerals and Heavy Metals Toxicity Test

The hair analysis test in Hyderabad is an extensive study of heavy metals, potential toxins, and key element ratios to determine health outcomes and underlying illnesses. Through the hair metal test in Hyderabad, you can understand your exposure to toxins through your environment, as well as review their impact on your health.

The at home hair toxin Hyderabad kit can also help you determine the role of your lifestyle on your health. Toxins through excessive smoking, drinking, and unhealthy foods can be analysed through the hair toxic test, giving you a complete assessment of the impact of your lifestyle. You can begin making the right internal and environmental changes and lower your toxin levels with a hair analysis test in Hyderabad.

The major areas that the human hair analysis is designed for are as follows -

  • Heavy Metals/Toxins: Arsenic (As), Barium (Ba), Aluminimum (Al), Cadmium (Cd), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Strontium (Sr), Thallium (Tl)
  • Minerals: Chromium, Potassium, Phosphorous, Germanium, Magnesium, Iodine, Cobalt, Silicon, Lithium, Manganese, Copper, Molybdenum, Selenium, Sulfur, Sodium, Silver, Vanadium, Calcium, Iron, Zinc


What is the scientific basis for conducting a hair analysis test?

A comprehensive analysis of the hair can reveal underlying conditions as well as the concentration of toxic elements present. When new hair cells are developed within the follicle, they absorb a certain degree of trace elements of substances that are present within the blood stream of the person.

With the hair growing over time, there is a long standing record of the toxins present within the body as the cells come out of the bulb and harden. A single hair strand can provide more information about the concentration of various elements within the body than other methods.

There is a significant amount of information present in the hair of an individual, e.g. hair cortisol levels for children suffering from neurological abnormalities, per Clinical Applications of Hair Analysis, Pascal Kintz et al Hair Analysis in Clinical and Forensic Toxicology, 2015

You should get a complete hair analysis test in Hyderabad if you are unable to find the reason for lethargy, irritability, vision issues, breathing problems, etc. through conventional blood tests. You should also instantly get a hair test in Hyderabad if you are experiencing hair fall, as toxins present in your environment can impact the quality and regeneration of hair strands.

What is hair analysis?

As hair live for about five to six years before they fall off the scalp, they can provide a comprehensive record of the presence of minerals and toxins. Performing of hair analysis for individuals can uncover new insights on the exposure to specific toxins and the presence of minerals within the body. The identification of drug use can also be tested through hair, blood and urine sampling, as it is a highly accurate record of exposure to substances.

Why should I do the hair analysis test?

Hair analysis can be used for determining a wide range of toxins and minerals present within the body. It is one of the most convenient tests that someone can take to uncover their complete exposure and nutritional deficiencies present due to its ease of sample collection.

With long-term exposure harming the body in multiple ways, it is best to get a toxin test performed through the use of hair analysis. Acquiring the hair samples is convenient, and individuals can be tested around the year to measure key imbalances in the body.

Hair analysis Hyderabad kits can also provide information on your mineral balance. If your Sodium levels are not synchronised with your Potassium levels, then it can have a negative effect on your health. You can review your complete mineral profile through the hair test, which can provide valuable information on the right steps ahead.

What information can a hair analysis test provide?

A number of disease conditions are interlinked with nutritional deficiencies, which is why hair analysis has been used for understanding the complete nutritional balance by the way of hair testing. You should get a hair analysis in Hyderabad performed if you are experiencing symptoms of serious conditions.

  • A hair analysis test provides a more complete long-term exposure report, with metals that are associated with specific disease conditions. The impact of arsenic, mercury, and lead have been studied extensively in relationship with health conditions, such as mental health issues, certain types of cancer, autoimmune disorders, hormone imbalances, etc.
  • Hair analysis in individuals can provide a more long-term study of the presence of the right minerals in the body. As minerals are essential for the effective functioning of various organs and cells, they need to be in the right balance and can be analysed via hair and blood.
  • The results of a hair toxin and mineral report can also be used to provide analysis into hair loss, hair fall, and other hair related issues.
  • The balance of the minerals present within the body, such as Zinc and Copper can also be analysed to ensure that their ratios are within the ideal range.
  • The test is widely considered a gold standard, as the hair can hold a long-term record of toxins, mineral imbalances, of drugs introduced via GC MS analysis, etc.

What are the pre-requisites of the hair analysis test?

There are a few strategies to follow when using the hair toxins and mineral test.

  • All instructions mentioned within the kit should be followed to ensure high quality sample collection.
  • You should not shampoo or wash hair right before collecting the sample, as a natural sample is required for the test. Additives present within the shampoo or soap may get included in the report.
  • There is no fasting period or preparation required for sample collection.
  • The test can be done by any anyone at any age group.

What is the process of the HTMA hair analysis test?

The following guide will help you understand the process of hair analysis tests and their results period.

1. The hair analysis test kit will be sent directly to the delivery address of the person.

2. The instructions for sample collection will be mentioned within the kit documents. It is important to comply with them closely when you collect the hair sample.

3. The test analysis address will be mentioned within the kit, with a complete guide on how to send the sample.

4. In Tier 1 cities, a phlebotomist will pick up your sample from your home. Give us a call if you have any questions.

You can buy the hair analysis test in Hyderabad via MyDiagnostics and follow the instructions mentioned in the testing kit. You can also contact us for directions and how to provide the hair sample at-home seamlessly. The hair mineral and toxins test results will be shared via email within 15 days from receiving the sample, and will contain extensive information on how to redesign your lifestyle, diet, and mineral intake.

How do I collect a sample of hair in a home hair analysis test?

  • Once you book the test, the test kit will be sent to your address
  • You need to fill the information sheet within the kit and its required details.
  • You can select an area within the middle of the scalp and cut around 40-50 strands from the base of the scalp. In this way, you get the best sample for testing. Plucking is not advisable when collecting the sample.
  • Put the HTMA sample and form within the pouch and ship it to the office address mentioned within the document kit.

How to collect the sample

  1. Once you book the test, the test kit will be sent to your address
  2. Fill the Information Sheet in the Kit
  3. Select an area from the center of the scalp and cut an adequate amount of hair (40-50 strands) from the base of your scalp. Do not pluck the hair from the root
  4. Put the sample & form in the pouch and ship the kit to our office

What is HTMA?

The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a comprehensive testing protocol that indicates the presence of minerals and heavy metals present in the hair. It is a test that tests for the presence of compounds within the hair through a hair analysis kit.

As some compounds can not be washed away, the concentration of certain elements can be determined through the test. With several tiny blood vessels feeding the base of the hair strand, there is significant information made available through the analysis of the hair of the individual.

Along with sweat, oil, and other natural compounds, it can also provide information of any drug compounds consumed for disease management as well. Depending on the type of hair the individual has, a specific collection protocol will be followed.

Since it is a test that tests for minerals and heavy metals present in hair, it is important to find the right patch to collect the right quality sample. An area will be selected, with a sufficient size of hair extracted without pulling from the base.

A complete hair analysis Hyderabad kit will also be able to generate results within 15 days of testing, making it easier for anyone to explore their toxicity and mineral profile. You can uncover insights about toxicity, and understand why you may be experiencing nausea, skin irritation, eye irritation, lethargy, chronic fatigue, etc.

Does cbd show up on a hair follicle test?

CBD may or may not show up on a hair follicle test, which is why additional tests are required.

What parameters can an HTMA hair test determine?

Hair testing can determine a large number of parameters in the body, from the presence of specific compounds to the overall nutritional health of the individual.

A hair follicle test or HTMA test can help in finding the presence of heavy metals and toxins in the body, to protect you from continued exposure.

An HTMA test will allow you to also find underlying causes for diseases or health conditions through hair tissue mineral analysis.

It can also test for hair conditions such as androgenetic alopecia, which is critical when experiencing sudden hair loss.

The HTMA test is a comprehensive testing mechanism that should be taken by everyone at some point.

What is the HTMA test cost in Hyderabad?

The hair analysis test cost in Hyderabad is INR 7999 for 25 indicators. It is a leading solution for working professionals, athletes, senior citizens, and students who want to know whether they need treatment for toxic elements.

It is also a vital tool to understand if the water quality at-home is compromised through toxic metals entering the bloodstream. The hair analysis Hyderabad price is also optimised for covering all 25 major toxins and minerals for maximum testing area coverage.

How do I find a hair analysis test in Hyderabad?

Hair analysis tests can be easily ordered through All the information with regards to the collection of hair samples, the mineral and toxin profile, and the testing protocols is provided within the home kit.

How is hair mineral analysis done?

Hair sample of about 100-120 strands is collected from the scalp of the individual to be screened. The sample is then washed to remove sweat, oil and skin cells and is further analysed chemically or examined under a microscope in the lab to yield accurate results. You can give us a call to know more about how the hair analysis test is performed.

What are the causes of mineral imbalances in the body?

There are several reasons why you can have mineral imbalances in the body, which is why a hair analysis test is required to gather more information. Some of the main reasons are as follows.

  • Stress can have a negative impact on the mineral balance of the body, which is why it is ideal to reduce stress in one's lifestyle. Key minerals such as magnesium and zinc are impacted.
  • Exposure to toxic materials and chemicals can have a negative impact on mineral absorption in the body, which will be needed to be tested via hair analysis.
  • Chronic inflections and viral bacterial can also lead to mineral imbalances in the body.
  • Toxin filled food or water supply can also also mineral imbalances in the body. It is recommended to improve quality of nutrients through a high quality clean diet.

How can I improve mineral balance in the body?

The mineral balance in the body can be improved through various interventions, designed to directly target lower mineral counts in the body. Hair analysis for minerals and toxins should provide the right information, with regards to ratios and imbalances.

  • By improving the diet quality of the individual, you can improve the concentration of minerals present within the body. Having the right combination of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and micronutrients can help improve mineral density and count.
  • The right medication protocol should also help bring levels back to normal ranges.
  • Individuals can also improve their sleep and exercise schedule to naturally boost mineral absorption.

How can I reduce the concentration of toxins in my body?

There are several critical strategies that you can follow to reduce the presence of toxins in the body. Depending on the results of hair analysis tests, you should focus on reducing your exposure to harmful toxins immediately. You should also focus on the changes necessary to reduce your exposure to toxins within the hair analysis report. The hair mineral and toxins Hyderabad package includes a comprehensive report that can help you reorient your lifestyle and exposure.

  • It is critical to clear your home and work spaces of toxic compounds and chemicals.
  • Improving the source of food in the body is also important to reducing the concentration of toxins in the body.
  • Excessive smoking or drinking should also be avoided to reduce the risk of chronic toxin exposure.
  • Improving the quality of water ingested, through better sources or higher purification methods should also help reduce the risk of heavy metals entering the body.

Are hair follicle tests accurate?

The collection and testing of hair for this at home blood test follows a very specific set of standards to increase accuracy. During testing, the collected hair is washed and tested for environmental contamination that could change test results. You should consult with a specialist based on the results of the hair analysis test in your city. The best hair analysis Hyderabad packages include comprehensive assessments of toxin levels which should be treated immediately.

  • This an at home blood test that analyses hair follicles for heavy metal toxicity (14 parameters) and mineral deficiency and imbalances (11 parameters)

  • This hair follicle test can also screen for illicit drug use

  • When new hair cells form, they intake trace substances through the bloodstream and as hair grows new cells push the older ones out of the bulb, which die and harden, keeping a long record (90 days) of toxins and minerals in the individual’s blood stream at the time of formation.

  • Random drug testing for individuals
  • People who want to test for mineral imbalances and hair fall
  • Do not shampoo or wash your hair immediately before sample collection.