  • MyDiagnostics Total Health - Essentials
MyDiagnostics (NABL, CAP, ISO Lab)

Total Health Essentials - Full Body Checkup at home

Rs. 5,000

Rs. 2,800

(0% Discount)

Test Parameters

  • Glucose, fasting
  • Hemoglobin A1C
  • Insulin, Fasting
  • Beta Cell Function 
  • Insulin sensitivity 
  • HOMA - IR Index 
  • Cholesterol, Total
  • Triglycerides
  • LDL Cholesterol
  • HDL Cholesterol
  • VLDL Cholesterol
  • Cholesterol/HDL Ratio
  • Triglycerides/HDL Ratio
  • LDL/HDL Ratio
  • Vitamin D (25-OH)
  • Vitamin B12
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorous
  • Iron, Serum
  • Ferritin
  • Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)
  • % Transferrin Saturation
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Chloride
  • Sodium/Potassium Ratio
  • BUN
  • Creatinine
  • BUN/Creatinine Ratio
  • Uric Acid 
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • AST (SGOT)
  • ALT (SGPT)
  • Bilirubin Total
  • Bilirubin Direct
  • Bilirubin Indirect
  • GGT
  • Protein, Total
  • Albumin
  • Globulin, Total
  • Albumin/Globulin Ratio
  • TSH
  • Total T3
  • Total T4
  • Testosterone, Total
  • Estradiol/Oestrogen

C-Reactive Protein (CRP)

  • RBC 
  • Hemoglobin
  • Hematocrit
  • MCV
  • MCH
  • MCHC
  • Platelets
  • RDW
  • Total WBC
  • Neutrophils
  • Lymphocytes
  • Monocytes
  • Eosiniphils
  • Basophils

Offer: Get additional 5% off on booking for 2 or more packages
Sample Required: Blood
Test Mode: At Home
Turn Around Time: 24 - 48 Hours
Fasting Time: 10 - 12 Hours
Other Instructions: No Alcohol Intake 24 - 48 Hours Before The Test
Recommended for: 18+ Years, Essential Health Checks


Total Health Essentials – Full Body Checkup at Home provides residents with an accessible and comprehensive system to monitor their total health status from their residence. Testing under the Total Health Essentials – Full Body Checkup at Home service allows users to monitor their health from home without waiting in hospital queues. The evaluation method helps patients detect diseases early while also supporting preventive healthcare services and motivating individuals to control their personal wellness. Modern healthcare requires at-home health checkups to become an essential component because technological advancements allow people to manage their proactive health easier with better efficiency.

About the Total Health - Essentials 

Total Health Essentials uses a complete system which connects preventive healthcare to necessary diagnostic services and fundamental health measurements. The system focuses on scheduled health evaluations as well as dietary balance combined with fitness activities together with lifestyle planning for achieving long-term health success. Through its accessibility features Total Health Essentials enables people to implement self-driven actions that lead them toward improved health.

Energy & Metabolism 

Metabolic processes together with energy consumption underlie overall health because they manage daily vitality and future medical status. The Home-Based Full Body Checkup enables users to measure major metabolic markers conveniently through its testing capabilities thus enabling them to track their body's energetic state and identify potential medical issues. Monitoring metabolic health status on a regular basis helps people maintain their energy levels at their best and protects them from metabolic disorders while promoting better overall health. 

Insulin Resistance

The health issue involving insulin resistance leads to diabetes while also increasing the risk for heart disease alongside metabolic disorders. Using the Total Health Essentials – Full Body Checkup at Home system enables patients to check essential indicators of insulin resistance conveniently from their homes thereby facilitating prompt intervention. The results from regular testing allow individuals to start taking disciplinary actions by combining lifestyle adjustments with dietary improvements and medical supervision to enhance insulin sensitivity and generate better metabolic wellness. 

Sex Hormones

Total health depends on sex hormones which maintain reproductive health but also control metabolism while influencing mood functioning. Using the Total Health Essentials – Full Body Checkup at Home clients can conveniently check their hormone levels to detect imbalances early so that proper treatment measures can be taken for improved health outcomes. The practice of periodic sex hormone monitoring enables healthcare professionals to control both hormonal imbalance symptoms and reproductive problems and metabolic diseases.

Essential Vitamins 

All essential vitamins play critical roles in maintaining proper health state by keeping the immune system strong and helping produce energy and running essential body processes. Through Home Checkup the Total Health Essentials provides a convenient method to test vitamin levels which helps people detect deficiencies early so they can use dietary changes and supplements for improvement. Regular checks prevent aligning nutritional levels while avoiding issues which could develop from vitamin depletion.

Essential Minerals

The human body depends on essential minerals because they are necessary for maintaining bone strength and preserving muscle functions and enabling neural signal transmission and achieving metabolic equilibrium. Through the Total Health Essentials – Full Body Checkup at Home people can conveniently identify mineral level issues before they become severe. Regular monitoring enables people to make necessary dietary and lifestyle changes which help maintain their best health. Extended health and vitality achieved through better well-being results from increased accessibility to essential mineral assessment made possible by the checkup.

Iron Status 

The blood transport of oxygen and the creation of energy together with good health depend on iron. Proper iron maintenance helps prevent negative conditions which include anemia as well as fatigue and impaired immunity. Regular iron status testing enables early detection of deficient or excessive circumstances so proper dietary along with lifestyle changes can be made promptly. People can achieve better all-round health through adequate iron supplementation and a nutritious diet that includes iron-rich food. People who focus on iron health management achieve better energy production and cognitive abilities and a greater level of vitality in life.


No matter its importance as a healing mechanism biological inflammation can lead to diverse health problems which include heart disease alongside diabetes and autoimmune disorders. The Total Health Essentials - Full Body Checkup at Home lets people monitor fundamental inflammation markers alongside their overall wellness through a convenient service. Diagnosis of early inflammation signs through blood tests and multiple tools allows people to become proactive about their health by making dietary changes or consulting professionals.

Health Risks Indicators 

The discovery and prevention of diseases depend on regularly checking health risk indicators. Using the Total Health Essentials – Full Body Checkup at Home system allows users to conveniently measure their cholesterol levels as well as their blood sugar levels together with liver and kidney functions and other vital health tests. Individuals who spot health risks early can adopt informed lifestyle transformations so they can access needed medical assistance to enhance their overall wellness.

About the Quality

Quality assurance is done at 3 levels 

  • Sample collection from home using one time sealed QR coded sterile kits and transportation to the lab including the temperature condition requirements 
  • Sample acceptance and QC at the lab 
  • Sample run at the NABL/CAP/ISO certified labs  

What does preventive full body health checkup mean?

Preventive health checkups serve as a proactive tool to monitor overall health by finding health troubles when they are still mild. Regular assessments and screenings alongside tests guide people toward taking preventive action through medical interventions and lifestyle modifications.

How often do you need a health check up?

People who visit their healthcare provider regularly obtain early disease identification along with monitoring of vital health indicators for implementing proactive maintenance of wellbeing.

What symptoms should I be careful of?

Certain symptom awareness enables an early diagnosis of possible health problems. Your health benefits when you listen to your body signals while you obtain medical help at the appropriate time.

What risk factors are important to keep in mind for optimal health?

Health optimization demands complete knowledge about important elements that influence personal well-being. The key risk factors for health include poor diet along with inactivity, tobacco usage, heavy alcohol intake and enduring stress.

How do I improve my full body health?

A total body health improvement demands an integrated method which combines balanced nutrition with regular exercise and quality sleep and stress management and preventive healthcare measures.

full body checkup at home if you are unable to exercise and don't have energy

C an I check if my thyroid is ok with the full body checkup?

Thyroid function tests will be included during your full body checkup to verify proper thyroid operation. Thyroid screenings need to be regular because patients who experience fatigue along with weight change and hair loss or mood variations should get checked.

Why is blood health important to test?

Preventive healthcare vitally depends on blood health testing which provides an extensive view of how your body functions as a whole. Monthly blood tests help people prevent the development of chronic conditions.

Can I claim preventive health checkup?

Policyholders can normally claim coverage for preventive health checkups through their health insurance plans under certain local regulations.

  • Everyone needs a full body health checkup to take better control of one’s health as unhealthy lifestyle has increased medical conditions related to heart, kidney, liver, and hormones.
  • Recommended as a part of preventive health checkup for those who have a family history of hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol or heart disease.
  • No alcohol intake 24-48 hours prior to testing.

  • Fasting time of 10-12 hours is required.

  • Follow all instructions mentioned in the testing kit.