  • MyDiagnostics Total Health - Basic
MyDiagnostics (NABL, CAP, ISO Lab)

Total Health - Vitals - Full Body Checkup

Rs. 2,499

Rs. 1,499

(0% Discount)

Test Parameters

  • Fasting Blood Sugar 
  • Hemoglobin A1c
  • Cholesterol, Total
  • Triglycerides
  • LDL Cholesterol
  • HDL Cholesterol
  • VLDL Cholesterol
  • Cholesterol/HDL Ratio
  • Non-HDL Cholesterol
  • LDL/HDL Ratio
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • AST (SGOT)
  • ALT (SGPT)
  • Bilirubin - Total
  • Bilirubin - Direct
  • Bilirubin - Indirect
  • GGT
  • Protein, Total
  • Albumin
  • Globulin, Total
  • Albumin/Globulin Ratio
  • BUN
  • Creatinine
  • BUN/Creatinine Ratio
  • Uric Acid
  • Iron, Serum
  • Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)
  • Transferrin Saturation
  • Vitamin D (25-OH)
  • Vitamin B12
  • TSH
  • Total T3
  • Total T4
  • RBC
  • Haemoglobin
  • Hematocrit
  • MCV
  • MCH
  • MCHC
  • Platelets
  • RDW
  • Total WBC
  • Neutrophils
  • Lymphocytes
  • Monocytes
  • Eosinophils
  • Basophils
  • Peripheral Blood Smear
  • Complete Urine Analysis 

Sample Required: Blood & Urine
Test Mode: At Home
Turn Around Time: 24 to 48 hours
Fasting Time: 10-12 hours
Other Instructions: No alcohol intake 24-48 hours before the test
Recommended for: 18+ years, General Health Screens



The Total Health - Vitals - Full Body Checkup stands as a fundamental instrument to preserve total health and wellness levels. Medical checkups permit the early discovery of diseases which enables prompt medical treatments. People gain the ability to make smarter health decisions for their lives after getting essential tests for vital signs and organ performance and important health indicators.

Public health prevention reduces both the expense of long-term medical care and it promotes superior life quality for individuals. The entire body examination reveals essential information about human health that lets individuals take evidence-based choices concerning their diet plan and exercise regimen and medical treatments. People who maintain routine medical assessments achieve extended lifespans with better overall health along with greater serenity about their health condition.

About the Total Health - Vital - Health Checkup

The Total Health - Vital - Health Checkup serves as a complete preventive healthcare system which assists people in tracking their complete wellness through effective measurements. Through evaluations of vital signs measurements together with organ function results and metabolic parameter analysis this checkup finds risks before they become severe.

Through regular health screenings individuals obtain knowledge to select healthier life behaviors while receiving medical help when essential. The combination of regular health checkups benefits life quality while simultaneously minimizing disease development risks. The present investment in preventive healthcare creates a foundation for healthier lives as well as better quality of future years.

Energy & Metabolism 

Within the Total Health - Vital - Health Checkup assessment of Energy and Metabolism stands as a vital element to evaluate how the body produces and handles its energy reserves. The checkup reviews three essential metabolic markers comprising blood sugar levels with thyroid function tests and nutritional absorption to discover health-damaging imbalances that shape vitality levels together with weight maintenance.

Metabolic health monitoring allows people to track their condition so they can make better life choices while improving their nutrition systems and preventing medical threats like diabetes and obesity. Getting attention to this checkup leads to ongoing energy supply with better sports capacity and prolonged good health. 

Sex Hormones

The Sex Hormones assessment within Total Health - Vital - Health Checkup analyzes both reproductive capacity and hormonal homeostasis and general health status. The three hormones testosterone and estrogen with progesterone actively regulate metabolism and mood and energy production and reproductive system function.

Checking sex hormones regularly helps doctors identify hormone disturbances which could advance to hormonal disorders and infertility and metabolic issues. When abnormalities are detected early individuals gain the opportunity to initiate preventative measures such as lifestyle adjustments and medical treatments as well as hormone therapy. People who put hormone testing at the forefront can achieve health excellence along with hormone equilibrium and higher life quality.

Essential Vitamins 

The Essential Vitamins assessment conducted within Total Health - Vital - Health Checkup proves vital for health preservation while identifying vitamin deficiencies that harm energy levels and immunity together with organ functionality. Vitamins such as A, B-complex, C, D, E, and K play key roles in metabolism, brain function, and cellular repair.

Health professionals can detect vitamin deficiencies early through routine monitoring which enables them to create appropriate dietary changes or include supplements in diets. By maintaining an optimal vitamin balance your immune system will function optimally while producing more energy which leads to extended well-being. Getting this medical exam should be a priority for building a healthier active lifestyle.

Essential Minerals

The Essential Minerals assessment which is part of the Total Health - Vital - Health Checkup provides essential information about maintaining health because minerals perform fundamental roles in body operations that support bone strength and promote nerve functionality and provide hydration and help with metabolism. Various essential minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and potassium assert fundamental roles in helping cells make energy and support the immune system while governing muscular activities.

Mineral level checks provide the necessary information to identify disturbances that could result in health complications like anemia and osteoporosis and muscle weakness. Medical professionals can achieve better overall well-being and prevent chronic conditions and sustain optimal health through sufficient diets and mineral supplements.

Iron Status 

The assessment of iron status in the Total Health - Vital - Health Checkup analyzes vital oxygen transport and energy-producing functions as well as basic vitality parameters. Insufficient iron leads to anemia and fatigue and poor immunity but having too much iron results in organ harm as well as diverse medical issues. Medical professionals can intervene effectively by utilizing appropriate treatments when healthcare professionals detect imbalanced iron levels through regular testing. The right balance of iron in the body supports higher energy production and better cognitive abilities and health status.


Among the important assessments in Total Health - Vital - Health Checkup stands the Proteins measurement because proteins serve vital functions for muscle development and immune defense along with assisting enzymes and repairing tissues. Reminder protein levels especially those of albumin and globulin allow medical professionals to understand overall health status and liver condition and immune system functioning. Patients can detect many health problems including malnutrition, kidney disease and liver disorders through routine protein tests.

Organ Health 

The liver is a vital organ and some of the primary functions include metabolism of fat, proteins & carbs, blood detoxification & purification, storage of glycogen and micronutrients. Hence liver is  important for energy regulation, metabolism and immunity. It also metabolizes drugs and regulates body cholesterol.

Kidney function/Liver function As athletes takes nutritional supplements its important to monitor the impact it may have on organs. 

Health Risks Indicators 

    Total Health - Vital - Health Checkup requires the Health Risk Indicators assessment to identify potential risks of developing diabetes and cardiovascular conditions and metabolic disorders. The checkup uses blood pressure measurements and BMI analysis together with blood sugar and cholesterol assessments to explain an individual's health position. Periodic tracking of health indicators through monitoring allows people to detect health problems early so they can take immediate action through lifestyle changes and medical treatments properly.

      Why is a full body checkup necessary?

      The full-body evaluation acts as a necessary tool for keeping general health and well-being in check. The early detection of possible health problems becomes possible through full-body checkups which allows for appropriate timely preventive interventions.

      When should I do a full body checkup for my health?

      Multiple variables such as life stage profile and medical record details and current illness status together determine the appropriate moment for complete body examination assessment. A complete checkup for adults involves annual assessments for the purposes of observing their health status and spotting medical concerns at an early stage.

      How can I improve my full body health?

      Health improvement for the entire body demands holistic treatment through proper diet balancing with regular exercise together with appropriate hydration and enough rest. Proper health demands both mental well-being attention and efficient stress management together with abstinence from risky behaviors such as smoking and heavy alcohol usage.


      exercise and yoga with full body checkup Img src -


      What is included in the full body health checkup test packages?

      Several tests in a full-body health checkup help patients understand how their critical health metrics relate to their general condition while identifying possible medical threats. Along with this package you will receive blood testing results combined with imaging scan results and measurements of heart and lung functions as well as kidney and liver tests, diabetes tests and cholesterol screening and thyroid measurements alongside other vital check-ups. 

      Where to go for full body checkup test online?

      The selection of a dependable provider for online full-body checkup tests establishes the key foundation for obtaining precise and detailed health evaluations. Healthcare organizations with accreditation provide their clients with online booking options for health checkups and both diagnostic facilities and hospitals operate these services. 

      How much does a full body test cost in India?

      Costs for complete physical examination tests in India depend on the health care facility, geographical location and the specific diagnostic procedures incorporated into the package. Health check tests at basic levels begin from ₹1,000 while extended packages with advanced tests such as heart health evaluation and diabetes monitoring and thyroid tests and cancer marker exams range from ₹5,000 to higher than ₹15,000.

      Quality assurance is done at 3 levels 

      • Sample collection from home using one time sealed QR coded sterile kits and transportation to the lab including the temperature condition requirements 

      • Sample acceptance and QC at the lab 

      • Sample run at the NABL/CAP/ISO certified labs  

      • This test is aimed as part of a preventive health checkup to identify health problems before it develops as a major health risk.

      • To minimize the health impacts of lifestyle diseases on major organs and functions of your body.

      • Those looking to find easy answers to questions of “full body checkup near me”

      • Fasting for 10-12 hours is mandatory with consumption of water during fasting.

      • Consumption of alcohol 24-48 hours before the test is prohibited.

      • Heavy exercise/workout before the test is not advisable.