  • MyDiagnostics 14 Days CGM Diabetes Sensor - Continuous Sugar Test at Home in hyderabad

CGM Diabetes Sensor - Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Hyderabad

Rs. 4,999

Sample Required: None
Test Mode: At Home
Turn Around Time: 24 Hours
Fasting Time: None
Other Instructions: None
Recommended for: Type 1/2 Diabetics, Pre-diabetes, Athletes, Weight-Loss


What's Included in the Test

A Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) is a type of test which is able to provide an in-depth analysis and report of blood sugar levels with a given time usually involving 14 days. 

The CGM test includes various type of applicators some of them are mentioned below:

  • CGM Sensor – It is a small wearable gadget that shows glucose level in real time.

  • Sensor Applicator – this is used to install the device on the arm without any sensation.

  • Reader or Mobile App Support – It reads and scans the sensor and shows glucose levels.

  • Data Analysis Report – The report shows the trends in glucose level.

  • Consult an expert– After the report it is advised to consult a professional and manage the glucose level.

About the Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Device in Hyderabad

A Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) is a wearable  device which can be used to track blood sugar levels in real time without having continuous finger pricks; it ensures accurate results by providing minimal efforts.

You can get yourself a CGM device in hyderabad with  MyDiagnostics or get from any health care provider in Hyderabad.

The CGM sensor is usually worn on the back of the upper arm which ensures effective results and mentors the glucose levels continuously with the help of interstitial fluid. Smartphones or readers can be used to read or track the readings of the sensor.


CGM is used for Tracking Blood Glucose in Real-time

Unlike customary blood glucose meters (BGM) that provide completely single and isolated readings, CGM offers genuinely continuous tracking. Real-time glucose data has many benefits. This data can be helpful in several ways.

  • Finding glucose trends repeatedly during the day and night.

  • Detection of either hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or hyperglycemia (high blood sugar).

  • How food, exercise and medication affect glucose levels.

  • Assisting all people who have diabetes in deciding upon a treatment.

Various Use Cases of CGM

CGM devices are highly beneficial for:

Diabetes Management – Patients suffering from Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can use this device to monitor and control the blood sugar levels.

Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts – In order to have a continuous track of glucose levels the athletes can also use this device to monitor their performance.

Weight Management –To maintain the diet and weight management CGM can also be used to obtain the sugar fluctuation.

Preventing Complications – With the help of knowing the sugar levels it can help in Early detection of blood sugar problems and prevent further casualties.

CGM vs Blood Glucose Meter (BGM)

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) and Blood Glucose Meters (BGM) are two special methods for all tracking of blood sugar levels. Both adequately serve the purpose of monitoring glucose. They differ greatly in functionality, convenience and data accuracy.

For real-time glucose tracking, automated alerts, along with improved long-term diabetes management, CGM is the choice to make.

CGM is a superior choice for people managing Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. It delivers continuous data to greatly optimize blood sugar control and completely eliminates the hassle of frequent finger pricks. However, a few people may use both CGM and BGM together to cross-verify.

How CGM Sensor Works

As the CGM sensor is designed to be placed on the back of the upper arm which shows the levels of glucose in any individual within a few minutes.

In order to know the data choose to scan the sensor and obtain the glucose levels using smartphone or a reader 

The reports show real time updates on the glucose level. Represent the data to the doctor for professional evaluation.

Benefits of CGM Sensor

The Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) sensor delivers various advantages which are most beneficial for diabetic patients. With the use of a CGM sensor you will be able to eliminate the frequent finger pricks and ensure an accurate data trend which will help in the early diagnosis as well as treatment of the sugar level. 

  • The device presents updated blood sugar information through the day and night period. 

  • CGM systems enable users to detect patterns together with trends within their glucose measurements. 

  • The majority of current market CGM devices allow users to avoid performing conventional finger-stick tests.

  • The usage of CGMs results in better convenience and reduces pain compared to blood glucose meters (BGMs). 

  • Users can achieve better decisions for their food choices and medical treatments and exercise activities. 

  • The device offers support to active individuals who control their diabetes through daily performance. 

  • The system aids optimal performance by minimizing irregular glucose changes.


Complete details of the sensor are available at

What Are the Prerequisites of the Test?

It is required to have a clean and dry skin before applying the application as it may start irritation if it is applied on any damaged skin area. If a patient is already on medication then the trends of glucose may vary for each individual.

How to Book and Install the Sensor?

Below are a few steps to follow in order to book and install the sensor.

  • Through the online portal you can book Freestyle Libre CGM on the MyDiagnostics website.

  • Install the sensor through the guiding pack.

  • By attaching the sensor pack to the applicator you can enable the device to track glucose.

  • Choose to press the applicator on the upper arm in the back.

  • The sensor painlessly inserts into the skin.

  • To fetch the reports choose to scan the sensor and analyze the results.

How does  Abbott Freestyle Libre work?

    The Abbott Freestyle Libre is a CGM device which measures the level of glucose and holds the data for 14-days 

    A small sensor is attached to the skin which is used to measure the data and the reports can be accessed by scanning with a smartphone or reader.

    What are the benefits of Abbott Freestyle Libre?

    Choosing abbott freestyle libre will allow you to track glucose without any finger pricks and ensures real time monitoring of glucose to get correct readings.

    With the help of smartphones you can get the result and have data of 14-day continuous tracking that helps in managing the glucose level.

    Can I install the device myself?

    It is easy to install the Freestyle Libre CGM as it already comes with an applicator which helps in installation incase of any trouble you can contact any healthcare provider to ensure proper working of the device.

    Who can use the Freestyle Libre?

    Patients who are suffering from Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics can consider using this device to obtain proper glucose trends.

    Athletes can also use this device to track the glucose level.

    How do I check my sugar level at home?

    Through freestyle libre CGM patients can check their sugar level at home by scanning through a smartphone to get real-time glucose readings.

    What is CGM?

    Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) is a wearable device which provides real-time glucose level tracking without requiring finger pricks.

    What do I do if I don’t like finger pricks for testing glucose levels every time?

    A CGM device like Freestyle Libre eliminates the need for finger pricks and provides continuous blood sugar readings.


    A sugar test machine is the best alternative if you don't like regular finger pricks

    Which hormone regulates blood glucose levels and how?

    Symptoms like Dizziness and fatigue or unnecessary Sweating with increased heart rate results in low blood sugar levels.

    What are the best ways to manage my sugar levels in the long term?

    There are few ways on how you can maintain and manage the sugar level in the long term.

    • Ensure that you have a balanced diet watchful of unnecessary carbohydrate intake.

    • Manage the insulin sensitivity level through exercise.

    • Monitoring blood sugar level through CGM devices will help to maintain the sugar level.

    dizziness and headaches a key sign of low blood sugar

    What are the disadvantages of using a glucometer?

    There are few disadvantages of the glucometer such as:

    The requirement of frequent finger pricks and provides one time readings without any alerts during the trend of glucose.

    What is the cost of continuous glucose monitoring devices in Hyderabad?

    The average cost of the CGM devices in Hyderabad usually ranges from ₹4,000 to ₹7,000.

    How do I contact MyDiagnostics for the Freestyle Libre CGM device in Hyderabad?

    If you are looking to order the freestyle libre CGM device in hyderabad you can book through the MyDiagnostics Website and for any further assistance, consult MyDiagnostics customer support which can help you to get the best product.

    • This is an at home blood glucose monitoring sugar testing kit that reveals your glycemic profile, trends and patterns that may be used to monitor and manage diabetes.

    • This testing kit includes the following

      • 1 Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Biosensor
      • Sensor Application, readings and removal
      • Turn Around Time - 24 hours from senor removal time

    • This Freestyle Libre CGM sensor continuously monitors your glucose levels for 14 days and takes a reading every 15 minutes.

    • Therefore, your glucose levels are monitored 1344 times day in and day out, even while you are sleeping.

    • This test ensures that there is no multiple pricking.

    • This single prick sensor is inserted to keep up with your daily activities

    • Individuals suffering from diabetes

    • Fasting for 8-12 hours before inserting the CGM sensor is preferred

    • Do not consume alcohol 12-14 hours before testing