How Do I Bring My Random Blood Sugar Level To Normal?

Time to read 4 min

You can get a random blood glucose test done regularly to know your risk of diabetes, along with other chronic conditions such as kidney disease, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, etc. You can take the necessary precautions to bring your levels down and to manage your condition long-term.

You should also consistently get tested for your random blood sugar level through a random blood sugar test. Your blood sugar levels are vital to track and manage over time, so that you can prevent the onset of chronic illnesses.

Understanding the random blood sugar levels

There are several levels that you can track to check if your blood sugar levels are within range. One of them is random blood sugar levels. You can check for your range with the reference below -

Normal RBS levels

The normal range is 110 - 140 mg/dL and is the right range of where you want to be depending on a range of factors.

Prediabetic levels

RBS ranging 140 - 200 mg/dL is indicative of prediabetic levels. You should be careful of these ranges when you are here.

Diabetes levels

Ranges higher than 200 mg/dL indicate the presence of diabetes.

Your specific range will also depend on your age, medical history, lifestyle, and other parameters. You should consult with a doctor when you are getting your blood tests done.

Here's how you can bring your random blood sugar level to normal

You can focus on the following strategies to help bring your blood sugar levels back to normal.

Changing your diet

One of the most important elements to bringing your RBS levels to normal is to change your diet. You can opt for more natural foods that are rich in nutrients to balance out your vitamins and minerals.

Taking medication on time

You can also focus on taking your medication on time so that your blood sugar levels are regulated. This will also help keep your levels within manageable range and help you avoid the symptoms of low sugar.

Tracking blood sugar levels

You can get a continuous glucose monitor or another glucose monitoring device, to help in constantly tracking your levels. This will give you more insights about what activities and foods are spiking or dipping your sugar.


Introducing a range of healthy activities and exercises can help in managing your sugar levels over time. You can also improve your immune system with the right types of exercises.

What are the early signs of diabetes?

You should be careful of the early signs of diabetes, so that you can be better prepared and manage your blood sugar levels in a timely manner.

Excessive hunger or thirst

You may experience excessive hunger or thirst as a preliminary sign of diabetes. This should be tracked over time to ensure that you're protected from the effects of sugar spiking.

Need to urinate frequently

If your body needs to urinate frequently, then getting a test for sugar levels should be done.

Loss of sensation in extremities

Numbness and a complete loss of sensation in the extremities can be a critical sign of a blood sugar issue.

Blurry vision

You may have blurry vision as a symptom of blood sugar management issues.

Difficulty in wound healing

Wound healing may take longer as a consequence of blood sugar management issues.

Issues with skin

You may experience redness, bruising, and itchiness as a symptom of blood sugar issues.

Changes in weight

You may experience a sudden loss or weight gain change in the body as a result of blood sugar issues.

Chronic fatigue

You may consistently feel tired all the time if you have issues with hormonal balancing and sugar management.

What risk factors for diabetes should I watch out for?

There are several risk factors that you should be aware of when it comes to your random blood sugar levels.


The older you are, along with other factors, the higher your risk of developing diabetes is. You should focus on getting regularly tested after the age of 60 years.

Body changes

If you have a higher body mass composition, then you may want to get tested if you are at higher risk of developing diabetes.

Pre-existing condition

Pre-existing conditions such as high BP, heart disease, etc. can increase your risk factor significantly.

Hormonal condition

In the event that you have a hormonal condition, which can impact insulin production and blood glucose levels, you may be at higher risk.


If you have PCOS, then your normal blood sugar levels may be impacted. Your risk of type 2 diabetes also rises.

Family history of diabetes

If you have a family history of diabetes, then your risk of your blood sugar level being elevated rises. Blood sugar levels in the case of diabetes can be critical to manage, especially in type 1 diabetes.


Extended periods of inactivity coupled with high blood sugar can lead to a higher risk of diabetes in some individuals.

Poor lifestyle

Lack of an ideal lifestyle can lead to a higher risk of developing a chronic illness.

Bad diet

If you have a chronic bad diet long-term, then your risk of blood sugar issues rises.

* Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).

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