Are you always tired? Check for these important fatigue symptoms

Time to read 3 min

If you are experiencing chronic fatigue symptoms then understanding them fully will be important. There is a difference between feeling tired on a few occasions and feeling mentally and physically exhausted. You should get a complete blood test done to identify the root causes of chronic fatigue that lasts for weeks or more.

You can identify chronic fatigue with the following symptoms

You can focus on the following symptoms to identify and deal with chronic fatigue long-term. These symptoms may also emerge at different points, which is why it is important to track their progression over time.

Constant feeling of tiredness

You can experience a sensation of constant tiredness, which may last for several days or weeks. This may not appear to have a connection with any specific condition, and may not be determinable by standard blood tests.

Joint or muscle pain

You can have joint or muscle pain that may last for several weeks even after rest. If your sleep cycle is also affected, then this may escalate over time. You may also experience back pain as a result of chronic stress which could worsen the symptoms.

Low vitality

You may feel lower in energy and overall sensation of wellbeing, which may be due to an underlying issue. Chronic fatigue symptoms may contribute to the feeling of low vitality as well, which is why it is important to get a blood test done immediately.

Health issues

You may experience health issues outside of chronic fatigue that may be going undetected. These may include issues with hormones, age-related symptoms, or pre-existing conditions. These need to be tested for, especially if there is a critical risk present.

Issues with concentration

You can have issues with concentration when you have chronic fatigue symptoms. These issues may also escalate over time, making it harder to have a sensation of wellbeing. This can be treated with the right blood test and medication.

Mood management issues

You may also experience mood management issues, as a result of chronic fatigue. You can focus on making the right changes to your lifestyle and stress management protocols, to improve your mood and outlook towards life. You can also opt for medical interventions.

Here's what you should do if you are experiencing chronic fatigue

You can get a medical test done and opt for a complete physical examination to check for the underlying reasons behind chronic fatigue. Certain medical conditions, lifestyle habits, and dietary factors may lead to a sensation of constant tiredness.

Changing your diet

Ensuring that you are getting all the right nutrients from your diet is important. You should mix up different sources of minerals, vitamins, and micronutrients, so that you're able to get a balanced diet that isn't deficient.

Making the right lifestyle modifications

The right levels of physical or mental activity can help in the case of severe fatigue. Physical activity can help in improving circulation and boosting mood, which can help in improving other symptoms as well. The right lifestyle factors can help you manage fatigue better.

Getting a complete blood test

If you are experiencing the common symptom of chronic fatigue, then getting a complete blood test is important. You can check for deficiencies, elevation, and inflammation through blood tests, which ordinarily can't be detected through physical examinations.

Checking for underlying medical condition

An underlying medical condition such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, or osteoporosis, may be causing mental fatigue at some point.

Reviewing sleep quality

Sleep disorders and sleep disturbances can contribute to chronic fatigue syndrome, making it difficult to recover fully. You can also get extreme fatigue symptoms when you have sleep apnea and other conditions.

Lowering stress

You can focus on lowering stress long-term, which can help in boosting your sense of vitality and energy. If you are constantly in high-stress environments, then opting for low-stress enjoyment activities will be beneficial.

Checking for hormone balance

If there is an underlying hormonal issue, then treating it will be important. You can get a complete blood panel performed to identify the appropriate hormonal issue that may be causing chronic fatigue. These can be resolved with medication. 

*Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).

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