What are Normal Creatinine levels? Is Creatinine level 1.7 Dangerous?

Time to read 3 min

Normal creatinine levels are determined by age and gender, but are also impacted by your medical history. You should get comprehensive testing done to understand whether your elevated creatinine levels pose a significant risk to your body.

When asking yourself is creatinine level 1.7 dangerous, you should think about the normal ranges for your particular case. In other words, yes the level is dangerous, but it also depends on your medical history and what your doctor recommends.

You may also have temporary elevation based on a range of factors such as diet, excess workout, medication, and infection. You would require further testing to determine the true cause of your elevated creatinine levels.

What's the normal range for creatinine levels?

These are the normal serum creatinine ranges for men and women when it comes to creatinine levels.


0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL


0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL

Levels above these should be considered elevated and potentially indicative of kidney impairment. Your blood urea nitrogen ratio and glomerular filtration rate, along with other indicators in the blood test, should be compared as well to determine key issues.

Why do creatinine levels become elevated?

There are several reasons why creatinine levels may be elevated for some individuals. These can be based on individual parameters or multiple parameters, which is why it is important to check what applies to you.

Excess workout load

If you have an excess workout load that goes beyond normal standards, then you may have excess creatinine levels present.

Diet and lifestyle

Your diet and lifestyle may be affecting your body's ability to manage waste long-term. This can show up as elevation in creatinine levels, which can be reversed with the right changes.


If you have a kidney infection then you may experience an elevation in the creatinine levels. Your doctor should be made aware of any infections you may have.


Sometimes certain medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can also elevate your creatinine levels. You should consult with your doctor if you are experiencing the symptoms of the condition.

You may have these symptoms if your creatinine levels are too high

You can experience the following symptoms if your creatinine levels are elevated long-term. Getting tested when you experience these symptoms is the best way forward.

Loss of appetite

There may be a loss of appetite when it comes to long-term elevation in creatinine levels.


You may have swelling in your feet as a result of fluid building up owing to high creatinine levels.

Frequent urination

You may have changes in your urination patterns if you have an elevation in your creatinine levels.

Difficulty breathing

There may be a difficulty in breathing when you have an elevation in your creatinine levels.


You may experience loss of muscle mass along with weakness with long-term elevated creatinine levels.

Dry skin

You may start to experience dry skin and itchiness as a key indicator of kidney health issues.

What are the conditions associated with high creatinine levels?

There are multiple complications associated with high creatinine levels, which is why testing them regularly is important if you are at higher risk.

Cardiovascular issues

You may experience issues with high blood pressure when you have elevated blood creatinine levels. Blood vessels may also be affected with long-term elevated creatinine levels.

Kidney complications

Kidney function can be significantly compromised with long-term above normal blood creatinine levels. Your risk of developing chronic kidney disease and kidney failure increases significantly. Serious cases may require a kidney transplant if there is a critical risk factor present.

Autoimmune conditions

Your risk factor of developing autoimmune conditions also rises when there is chronic elevation in creatinine levels. You should get tested immediately if you are experiencing symptoms of lupus as a key example.

Urinary tact issues

Your body's ability to manage waste becomes affected with elevated creatinine levels over time. You should get a blood test done if you are experiencing the key symptoms.

Diabetic kidney disease

Individuals with diabetes can be at risk of developing a diabetic kidney. You may require further testing to determine the best course of action. 

* Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).

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