
Time to read 5 min

Triglycerides are used as a source of energy for the body as they flow trough the system after being metabolized through your food. Your VLDL cholesterol particles (very low density lipoprotein) carry triglycerides to your tissues, after which your body releases them to be used as energy.

It is important to track the triglyceride marker, along with LDL, HDL, and cholesterol, so that you're able to determine any changes in your health. You can also check what level of triglycerides is dangerous so that you're able to reference the normal triglyceride levels and do the right interventions to improve your levels.

What are Triglycerides?

Essentially, triglycerides are a type of lipid or fat that is found in the blood and used as energy by the cells. When your body consumes food, it can convert it into triglycerides which can be stored in your fat cells for energy. Key hormones release the triglycerides for energy, which can help you feel vitalized throughout the day.

As triglycerides are a key biomarker, it is important to track their levels over time. You can get a better sense of how well your body is metabolizing food through the triglycerides marker. Tracking too low or too high triglycerides in your blood can be important for longevity, wellbeing, and condition management for a range of issues. 

Normal range for Triglycerides

The triglycerides normal range can be checked based on a lipid panel test, which can show the levels for cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. It is important to know how to reduce triglycerides and get high triglycerides checked within the testing profile.


Levels under 150 mg/dL are generally considered within the normal range of triglycerides for men and women.


Levels between 150-199 milligrams per decilitre (mg/dL) are generally considered to be mild or normal.

High levels

Levels that are between 200-499 mg/dL can be higher for triglycerides levels for men and women.


Levels that are higher than 500 mg/dL are determined to be severe and at-risk for many individuals.

What if Triglycerides are high?

If you have higher triglyceride levels then your risk of hypertriglyceridemia and blood vessel disease rises. You should focus on the right type of nutritional plan that can help you lower your triglycerides over time. You can also check for your risk factors of heart disease and other cardiovascular issues. You can reference the triglycerides normal range to understand your levels. 

What If Triglycerides are low?

If your triglycerides are low on the serum triglycerides test, then you should check your diet as well. Following a constant low-fat diet can lead to issues with triglycerides levels, which are vital to maintain over time. If you have issues with malabsorption as well then getting your levels checked will be important. It's not only important to know what are triglycerides, but also what to do when your levels are too low. 

Symptoms of out of range Triglycerides

You may not experience direct symptoms of triglycerides which is why it is important to track any changes in health with correct analysis. If you are experiencing low energy, mood management issues, or are having chest pain, then getting your triglycerides checked will be key.

Rapid heartbeat

In some cases, you may experience a sensation of a rapid heart beat, which can feel like a thumping sensation in the heart. There may be issues with proper cardiovascular functioning which can cause this feeling.

Issues with mobility

There may be stiffness, cramping, and issues with general mobility in some cases when the serum triglycerides are high. You should check the report triglycerides meaning for your case, and understand how best to manage your levels.

Mood management issues

In some cases, you may also experience mood management issues if there are no stress factors involved. You can experience a sense of irritability and issues with calming yourself to bring yourself to balance. There may be a hormonal reason behind this as well, which can be tested.

Low energy

You can have a sensation of low energy when you have high triglycerides symptoms. There may also be a risk of hypertriglyceridemia with high triglycerides, which is why tracking any health changes is important. The triglyceride levels can be checked through a TG full form test, which can provide more information about all lipid markers.

How Often This Marker to be Measured

Based on whether you are managing a health condition or not, your triglycerides will be an important measure to track. You can check for key signs of issues with triglycerides based on your symptoms, and get tested every 6-8 months to check for any changes in your levels. Your high triglycerides can be tested every 12 months as a part of a routine check-up. 

How to Improve Triglycerides Naturally

You can check your triglycerides normal range to understand your risk of heart disease and focus on the right interventions to lower triglycerides. High levels of triglycerides can be checked through diet, exercise, and stress management strategies such as yoga and meditation.

Focus on your fat through diet

If your triglycerides are too low then you can avoid a low-fat diet and start introducing healthier fat options. High triglyceride levels can be addressed via an all-natural diet that is focused on more fruits and vegetables. To lower your triglycerides, you should focus on more green leafy vegetables and fibre-rich fruits.

Activity 3-4 times a week

It is important to be active for 3-4 times a week so that you're able to utilize the triglycerides present in the blood stream. You can also improve your cardiovascular functioning by opting for moderate intensity exercises that can help improve your levels.

Add omega 3 fatty acids

Essential fatty acids can help in managing cholesterol and triglycerides through your diet. You can add flax seeds, salmon, nuts, and seeds, to help you manage your key biomarker levels. You can add them into salads or consume them directly through various preparations.


Are high triglycerides and high cholesterol related?

In the case where you may have a poor nutritional plan or a lack of activity, then your triglyceride levels and cholesterol may both be higher. You can get tested to learn more about your lipid panel and make the right changes to help improve your levels.

Can high triglycerides and low LDL be symptomatic of any condition?

Your overall lipid panel can be impacted by a range of conditions, such as heart disease, PCOS, underactive thyroid, and kidney disease. You can get a complete check-up done to understand what condition or medication can impact your overall levels.

What is the medical treatment for triglycerides?

Statins, fibrates, niacin, and omega-3 fatty acids can help in improving your triglyceride levels. It is important to know how to reduce triglycerides through medication by consulting with a doctor about your overall levels. 

* * Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).

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