How to Increase Metabolism: 8 Metabolism-Boosting Foods

To start off with this article, we need to set the record straight with how important of a role your metabolism can play in your body, understanding why you need to boost your metabolism, and weight loss. These depend on what you eat and the energy you have to burn more calories. But the major aspect to up your metabolism, is food. So brace yourself as we dive into all aspects that encompass into metabolic rate and especially the foods that may help you lose weight through metabolism.

Signs of a Slow Metabolism

First off, what slows down metabolic rate? Most people don't have the right kind of information about metabolism and the right tricks up their sleeves to speed up your metabolism. So here they are

  • Age: As you get older, your metabolism slows down and it can get difficult to lose weight effectively.
  • Fatigue: Notice your energy levels since low energy levels usually are a sign of a slow metabolic rate.
  • Difficulty losing weight or weight gain: This is the most common sign of a slow metabolic rate and can be persistent as your age.
  • Bloating: A slow metabolism also paves way for digestive issues which can leave your bloated.
  • Intolerance to cold: You might it find it harder than usual to bear with cold temperatures.
  • Flaky skin and dry hair: Your skin can look and seem dry with a flaky scalp.

    Role of Diet in your Metabolism

    The diet you partake in is crucial to help increase your metabolism to help you burn more calories quickly. It's important to incorporate protein and healthy fats along with other nutrients. So let's see what they are!


    Fish contains both protein and omega 3 which plays a major role in your metabolism. The secret to consuming more protein is that it burns slightly more calories than other kinds of foods. If you are someone who's not fond of consuming fish, then you can intake capsules that contain omega-3.


    All legumes are high protein which means consuming them can help you burn more calories. You can toss a salad or make a full blown meals just with different kinds of legumes.

    Lean Meats

    Like mentioned above, proteins take up more energy to break down than the regular digestive process. Lean meats such as chicken and turkeys are perfect choices for that and let's admit that it's a delicious choice at that for all your meals.


    Broccoli has a high water and fibre content which can help you feeling full for longer. This curbs your appetite for later but still adds to the nutrients in your meal. It makes for a great addition to salads and a healthy one at that.


    Berries are considered low in calories but full of antioxidants. This can add greatly to increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories.


    Almonds are a very healthy snack and have been widely acclaimed for its benefits in weight loss and metabolism boosting.


    Keeping hydrated has enormous benefits in consuming calories and limiting the amount of calories you consume. Your metabolism will take a positive hit when you are constantly hydrated. Aim to drink atleast 2 litres everyday without fail.


    Tempeh is a meat substitute that's made up soybeans which is mostly prepared in the Phillipines. They can be a major part of your salads and sandwiches and make for a delicious meal.

    Other Ways You Can Boost Metabolism For Your Body

    Besides nutrition, there are other ways you can up your metabolism and be on top of the game. So let's what other ways there are that can help you maintain a good metabolic rate.

    Exercise to burn more calories

    Excersing regularly and can not only keep your metabolism high but can help you burn more calories. Doing HIIT interval training and other cardio excercises can massively change your metabolism for the better.

    Sleeping enough

    Underrated but sleep is an extremely essential building block for your metabolism which then aids weight loss. It is important that you get atleast 8 hours of sleep everyday.

    Stress management

    Stress can negatively impact your metabolism and not allow your body to lose weight effectively. It's important to regulate stress to increase your metabolism.

    Limitting alcohol and smoking

    Managing your consumption of alcohol and smoking can directly impact your metabolism. Quitting it completely can aid your metabolism and boost it.

    Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is essential for your body and is required to boodt metabolism as well. Getting enough sunlight or even consuming supplements can be beneficial to your overall health.

    Drinking green tea

    Consuming green tea on a regular basis is vital to speed up your metabolism and effectively lose weight. It can have numerous benefits on your body.

    Limit processed foods

    Consuming junk food can slow down your metabolism and have negative effects on your body. Not only will you be putting on more weight, your body will be slowing down the metabolic rate. Substitute it with healthier alternatives to increase your metabolism and remain healthy.


    Your weight depends on some major building blocks, majorly your metabolism. We hope you understand what are the essential habits one has to incorporate into their lifestyle to keep your metabolism on the high and lead a healthy life. Remember, diet constitutes majorly to your metabolism along with the other factors that we have listed out.

    * * Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).