Are you Getting Diarrhea during Pregnancy? These Strategies can Help
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
Gas, bloating, diarrhoea, and other gastric conditions can be experienced during your pregnancy, making it harder to get sense of wellbeing. You can also have an underlying condition that could be causing these symptoms during the period.
You can use warm water baths, massages, probiotics, high fibre foods, and other strategies to help with diarrhea during pregnancy. These can also improve your overall digestion and provide relief to the additional symptoms of gastric issues.
You can focus on the following areas to improve your digestive functioning and reduce diarrhoea. It is important to check if you have an underlying infection that is causing the diarrhoea, then getting tested is key.
Dates, bananas, toast, fortified cereal, and other high fibre foods can be beneficial in improving digestive functioning during pregnancy. If you have the core signs of diarrhea during pregnancy then starting high fibre foods should be a priority.
You can also supplement with husk and OTC tablets for fibre. These can instantly help you bind stool and improve digestive outflow. You can also reduce the risk of dehydration and loss of energy by taking them.
You should add curd, sauerkraut, buttermilk/lassi, tempeh, and other probiotics to your diet. These can add good quality bacteria into your gut, which can help reduce the risk of infections and improve digestive functioning.
You should switch over to highly nutritional fruits and vegetables during your pregnancy. This can ensure that you're getting your vital nutrients. You should also drink plenty of water as a couple of days of fluid loss can lead to dehydration and complications.
You can check with your doctor and healthcare provider if there are any side effects of your medication. Changes in bowel movements in a pregnancy period can be caused due to gastric microbiota changes, caused by certain medication.
Stress causes diarrhea during pregnancy, which is why it is important to take the right precautions such as a massage or a warm water bath.
It is important to focus on the following areas if you are experiencing diarrhoea for more than a few days. Your risk of dehydration, nutrient loss, and other complications rises when you don't get a test done for your underlying symptoms.
A CBC test can check for elevations in WBCs which can indicate that you may have an infection. You should also check your RBC and haemoglobin count to ensure that you're in a healthy range when you have diarrhoea.
When asking what causes diarrhea during pregnancy, it is important to check if diarrhea is a sign of an underlying infection. You can get a gastric test done for infections at home through MyDiagnostics. The test results will help you get the right medication.
A deficiency in iron, vitamin K, B vitamins, and magnesium can be associated with diarrhoea symptoms. Long-term deficiencies can also lead to complications, which can be avoided through testing and supplementation.
You should take painkillers and antibiotics if you have an infection or are experiencing the additional effects of gastric issues. Pain, bloating, nausea, and gas can be treated with localized medicine that is available over the counter.
** Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).