  •  COVID-19 RTPCR test at low cost Bangalore - MyDiagnostics
MyDiagnostics (CLIA, CAP, ISO Lab)

Coronavirus COVID 19 RT PCR test at Home for Bangalore (ICMR Approved)

Rs. 1,200

Rs. 650

(0% Discount)

Sample Required: Nasal and Throat Swab
Test Mode: At Home
Turn Around Time: 24 to 48 Hours
Fasting Time: None
Other Instructions: Reports are QR Coded
Recommended for: All ages


About the COVID-19 RT PCR Test

  • The COVID-19 RT-PCR test is a real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) test for the detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 in upper and lower respiratory tract specimens.
  • Specimens for this test are collected through nasal and throat swabs
  • This test is approved by the ICMR Lab in Bangalore


The package can also be used as a test for Omicron variant, with the rise in Omicron BF7 variant. With the right Omicron test name, you can get accurate results at-home. The Omicron test report will also contain comprehensive information about your risk factor for the variant. The CT value in COVID test Omicron report will also let you know whether you have the virus.

Test contains -

  • SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR based confirmatory test - through swab test 

(RT-PCR) lab analysis is the gold-standard for COVID-19 detection, confirming the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in a sample.

What does positive result means 


A positive result means that you are currently infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus.

CT value for positive cases mentioned in report e.g.


What does negative result means 


This means that it is very unlikely that you have been infected with the virus.

No CT value mentioned in the report for negative. 

Who should do this test 

  • Symptomatic individuals with ILI (influenza-like illness) symptoms 
  • Symptomatic (ILI symptoms) or Asymptomatic individuals in contacts of laboratory-confirmed cases.
  • All patients suffering from Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI).

Who is it for ?


What should I do after the test?





RT PCR Test for COVID-19 meaning


RT-PCR test full form is Reverse Transcription -
Polymerase Chain Reaction test. It is a molecular-based diagnostic testing
method. An RT-PCR test is a laboratory test that
combines reverse transcription of RNA into DNA for the
detection of the COVID-19 virus. An RT-PCR test procedure uses
nose or throat swabs for the detection of viruses. It detects the virus even if
the viral load is less.

Real time RT PCR meaning


What is COVID-19 RT-PCR test


How to check COVID-19 rt pcr report online?


What is the Ct value in RT-PCR COVID-19 test?


How many days do antibodies remain in the blood for covid-19?


Are senior citizens more vulnerable to coronavirus disease?


How long can you test positive for covid-19?


How to do covid test at home?


What is the meaning of SARS‐CoV‐2?


How to check covid test result?


How do I test for Omicron?


Are COVID tests accurate for Omicron?


What precautions are needed for Omicron?


Can Omicron be detected by rapid test?
