How do you use a food intolerance test?

Time to read 8 min

It's important to understand what a food intolerance test is and how to use it for your benefit. You need to buy the right food allergy and intolerance test that can provide deeper insight into your overall health measures.

You can get the blood test done from the comfort of your home and get your results directly emailed. You can then get a better sense of what foods you need to avoid long-term to help ease your stomach issues.

There are critical strategies you can also follow, to ensure that you're protected from potential allergens. This is more so important if you need to assess your digestive health problems from the perspective of food allergies.

You can follow an elimination diet and consult with a gastroenterologist about the right next steps in the healing process. You can also get prescription antihistamines if you have a severe reaction to certain foods.

Ordering a food intolerance test

The first step in using a food intolerance test is to place an order from the right website. You can rely on MyDiagnostics to provide the best options in food allergy testing. You can even contact us directly if you have any questions.

Finding the right test

With multiple options available, you need to find the right test so that you can get started. You can opt for a highly comprehensive test with at least 200 allergens, so that you can be completely sure about what foods to avoid.

Placing the order

You can place the order for the test to be delivered at home, in which case your blood sample will be collected at your convenience. You can also schedule multiple tests every few months so that you can maintain a food allergy profile when necessary.

Performing the test

The blood sample is drawn and analysed against multiple food groups for the presence of antibodies. This should indicate whether you are allergic to certain foods over time, as well as the severity of risk factor involved.

How a food intolerance test is performed

The IgG antibodies are tested for using the fusion technology and ELISA technique. This provides highly accurate measures of food intolerances and allergies present. The test is designed to check for multiple food groups, giving you greater clarity on what foods to avoid.

The food intolerance test result is also shared via email, within a few days, which can help you quickly start eliminating the allergens from your diet as well. This entire process can help you heal your gut health holistically, while also removing foods that cause an immune reaction.

It's also important to remember that your allergies can be managed when you consume a low-risk food. The allergy test helps you uncover underlying issues that may be leading to more chronic symptoms such as joint pain, inflammation, etc.

Understanding the results of the food allergy test

You need to also have an understanding of the results, in order to fully utilize a food intolerance test. You can refer to the following strategy guide to get a better perspective of your food intolerance analysis.

Reviewing food groups

The first thing that you should do is to review all the food groups present within the report. This should help you understand what foods can cause severe reactions and why you may be facing these issues in the first place.

If you have been consuming meat, dairy, gluten, or soy, and have been experiencing gut health issues then these should be removed from your diet immediately. You should also focus on the groups of foods that are causing a negative reaction, such as seafood, nuts, cereal, etc. This will provide greater clarity long-term.

Understanding risk factor and severity

Knowing your risk factor is a critical strategy to improving your health condition. You should be aware of the risks involved in consuming certain types of foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereal, gluten, etc.

This can help you stay protected, while also providing a medical opinion about underlying health requirements. You can take the right medication when you suspect that a food item may contain that allergen which can cause a severe reaction.

Analysing medical options

Based on the type of risk factors present, you need to analyse all medical options available. Whether you can opt for medication, emergency interventions, or long-term holistic changes, you need the right medical options available.

You can also start to improve your overall health and eliminate bad habits. Excessive smoking & drinking, as well as lack of exercise can also lead to the formation of gut health issues. By removing them from your diet, you can improve your health markers.

Next steps in improving your health

You can improve your health condition by following the below strategy. This can help you get a better sense of control over the choices you make when it comes to food.

Eliminating the allergens

The first step is to completely remove the allergens from your diet. This can help you reduce the severity of symptoms, as well as improve your overall sense of wellbeing. You can also start eliminating these foods in a stepwise manner.

Removing allergens from cooking

Sometimes we may forget to remove allergens while in the kitchen. Key allergens, such as soy, dairy, meat, and seafood may be present in the fridge that can cross-contaminate your food. It's important to completely separate or remove these items from your kitchen.

Avoiding allergens outside

You should have a list of allergens ready with you through a report, that you can share with others. You can request your food to be prepared in a certain way, to help avoid any exposure to allergens.

Using the right substitutes

The right substitutes should help you enjoy a normal healthy lifestyle, that includes all the vitamins & minerals you need. You can take supplements to target any underlying deficiencies you may have as a result of substituting.

What are the major symptoms of a food allergy?

It is highly important to know what the symptoms of a food allergy are, so that you can identify them immediately. Also, if you are experiencing these symptoms repeatedly then you should get a test done instantly as well. You can help improve your digestive health holistically with the right elimination diet.

Let us explore the most important symptoms of a food allergy that you should be aware of.

1) Constant bloating feeling

If you are experiencing constant bloating sensation after meals, then you should get a food allergy test performed.

2) Painful gas issues

Having painful gas, to the point of being bed-ridden, is a critical issue that should be checked out with a food allergy test

3) Burning sensation in stomach

A burning feeling in the stomach, especially after eating certain foods, could be a sign of a food intolerance.

4) Issues with bowel movement

Chronic constipation and issues with bowel movements could be indicative of a food intolerance. You should get a test done to see if you need medical assistance.

5) Problems digesting certain foods

If you find that you are sluggish after consuming certain foods, then removing them could help boost your metabolism.

6) Skin rashes

If you are experiencing a burning sensation in your skin, followed by rashes, then you may be dealing with a food intolerance issue.

7) Swelling around lips

Swelling and burning around the lips can be a clear sign of a food allergy. You can get redness in the area as well, indicating that you may be exposed to an allergen.

8) Constant feeling of nausea

Acid reflux and nausea can be clear signs of a food intolerance developed after months of food allergies. You can get tested and remove these potential allergens.

9) Chronic congestion

Your immune system may be activated when you consume certain allergens, which is why getting a complete allergy test is recommended.

10) Mood management issues

Problems with anxiety, depression, and mood management can be connected to digestion issues. These can be caused due to underlying food allergies that are creating mood issues.

11) Muscle pain

You can also start to experience weakness in your muscles, which will become evident when you try to walk or climb a staircase.

12) Inflammation in joints

Joint inflammation can be a symptom after months of dealing with food allergies. You need a food allergy test to determine core reason.

13) Issues with focus/concentration

If you are experiencing a sharp pain in your side, abdomen, or stomach area, especially an hour after consuming a meal, then you may have a food allergy.

14) Painful feeling in stomach

A long-term painful feeling in the stomach could also be a sign that you are allergic to certain foods.

Benefits of using a food intolerance test

There are several integral benefits of using a food intolerance test, which is why many people opt to buy the best ones online. A food intolerance test can provide the right clarity when it comes to digestive health issues, allowing you to fully recover from chronic ailments. You can also improve your overall health outcomes by understanding what foods are causing severe and moderate reactions.

Uncovering underlying food sensitivities

You can find out which groups create a food sensitivity reaction in your body, through a complete test of food intolerance. You can also map a food allergy profile for yourself when you start to experience symptoms of food intolerance.

You can also get a test at home of the complete list of all sensitivities you may have, such as gluten, meat, dairy, etc. If you have a food allergy then a blood test is your best option to get better insights.

Eliminating major allergens

Through the food allergy test results, you can rely on medical data rather than trial and error, to know your potential allergens. Any major food group can be a potential allergen, giving you symptoms such as bloating, painful gas, chronic digestive issues, etc.

You can start to remove these major allergens from your diet completely, giving you short-term relief to begin with. You can also start avoiding these food allergies outside, so that you can prevent recurring digestive issues.

Smart substitution of foods

The best part about getting a comprehensive food intolerance blood test is the knowledge of substitutions. You can change out specific foods for their substitutes, and know if you are allergic to substitutes as well.

You can also substitute your foods outside as well. You can request for soy milk, vegan, and non-gluten foods as substitutes for drinks, pizzas, pastas, etc. You can also request your server to remember to substitute out the allergies.

Gaining clarity on symptoms

If you are experiencing chronic symptoms such as gas, bloating, stomach pain, and headaches, then a food intolerance test should help you uncover the root cause. You can learn more about whether you are experiencing these issues because of a food allergy.

If you don't have any food allergies present, then you can focus on other areas of your health to know the root cause of your problems. This helps in learning more about why you may be experiencing key issues, and whether they are related to a specific food.

 *Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s)

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