The 7 best tips for UTI prevention for men and women

Time to read 3 min

Urinary tract infections UTIs are infections in the urinary tract that can cause a burning sensation, abdominal pain, and nausea like symptoms. If you have the symptoms of urinary tract infections then you should take the right precautions immediately.

If left untreated you can increase the risk of developing a more serious infection in the bladder, complications in the lower urinary tract, with further damage to the kidneys. UTI prevention is key when you also are prone to multiple instances of back to back UTIs. 

Follow these tips for UTI prevention

You can start with these strategies for preventing the occurrence of a UTI.

Urinate in a timely manner

One of the best ways to prevent a UTI is to urinate in a timely manner. You can lower your risk of bacterial development within the urinary tract by ensuring that you have access to a clean washroom when you need to visit one.

Drinking cranberry juice

Cranberry juice can help in reducing your risk of developing a UTI while also providing relief from its symptoms. You can drink cranberry juice as a precaution if you suspect that you may have a UTI.

Adopting good hygiene practices

You should shower more often, and ensure that you urinate after intercourse. This will ensure that you don't have an environment for bacteria to flourish for extended periods.

You can also improve hygiene practices by ensuring that your restroom is clean at all times.

Changing wiping technique

Wiping from front to back may be better when it comes to hygiene. You can wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria from the anus entering the genitals, which can reduce your risk of developing a urinary tract infection UTI.

Limiting scented products

Scented soaps, washes, and other products may affect the natural pH levels within the genital region. You can opt for unscented and more organic/natural products that can reduce your risk of developing a UTI.

Opting for loose fitting clothing

You can also reduce the risk of getting a UTI by opting for loose-fitting cotton clothing. By avoiding synthetics or intimate wear that is too tight, you can improve air flow and limit sweating.

Improving probiotics intake

You can improve your intake of probiotics through yogurt, supplements, and other means to improve your body's natural bacterial health. You can prevent the onset of a UTI by having the right types of probiotics available.

Knowing the key signs of a UTI

One of the most important aspects of preventing a urinary tract infection is to identify the early symptoms.

The symptoms of a UTI can emerge gradually, which is why it is important to identify them in a timely manner.

If you have symptoms of a UTI then you should drink plenty of fluids and focus on hydration as a key strategy.

Burning sensation when peeing

You may experience a burning sensation when urinating which is a critical sign that you may have a UTI. You should seek treatment immediately when you have this symptom.

Pain in the abdominal area

Pressure may be developing within the urinary tract and bladder, which can create pain in the abdominal region. You can take the right antibiotics to help you manage your UTI better.

Nausea and vomiting

Some of the more common symptoms of a UTI are nausea, which can remain for an extended period. You may also have vomiting as a critical sign, which must be taken seriously.

Bloating sensation

You may have bloating around the lower abdominal region, which can flare up when you have a UTI. This may be accompanied by increased sensitivity and pain in the region.

Traces of blood in urine

You may also have traces of blood in your urine, which you can get tested immediately. There may be some damage present, which can be analysed through a medical test.

Non-regular discharge

There may be a presence of discharge that isn't regular in colour or odour. You can get tested for a UTI when you notice the discharge more frequently. 

* Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).

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