Here's What a Lipid Profile Test means in a Complete Health Checkup

Time to read 4 min

A lipid panel is a comprehensive test of your levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. A blood sample is drawn and analysed for different measures and ratios. This is what a lipid profile test means in the medical way of describing it.

The lipid profile is also a vital test as it checks for total cholesterol in your blood in mg dl. If you have out of normal LDL cholesterol or HDL cholesterol in the blood test, then your risk of cardiovascular disease rises significantly.

The test is also vital from a preventative measures point of view. If you have a family history of heart disease or cholesterol, then you should get tested regularly. If you are also considering to start a new diet, workout routine, or lifestyle change, then tracking your lipids will give you a better overview.

What's included in a lipid panel?

The following parameters are generally included in a lipid panel, and can provide adequate information to you and your doctor. You can also get more specific testing done if you are managing a chronic condition or require additional testing measures.

Total cholesterol levels

Your overall cholesterol levels are provided within this panel marker, which includes the different types of cholesterol.


Your low density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol levels are provided in this marker. LDL is largely called the bad cholesterol, which is why it should be tracked closely.


Your metabolic activity and your body's risk factor when it comes to plaque can be tested by analysing VLDL levels.


High density lipoprotein are the good cholesterol levels, and can also lower the building up of LDL in the body.


Triglycerides are the fats from the nutritional value of our food, which is why it is important to track. They should be within normal range for overall health and wellbeing.

Why is a lipid panel vital for health tracking?

A lipid panel is key for health tracking and is an important blood test that should be performed regularly. You should also keep a close track of your lipid levels if you have a history of out of normal range levels. You can also make the right changes in your diet, lifestyle, and exercise, to bring them back to normal levels.

Cardiovascular disease risk

Your risk of cardiovascular disease rises significantly when you have out of range lipid levels. There is a critical risk of disease or infection when there is damage or disruption in normal cardiovascular functioning.

Critical for testing plaque risk

Your risk of plaque building up in the arteries rises significantly if you have high cholesterol or triglycerides. You can get tested when you are experiencing the symptoms, to check whether your risk rises.

Prior medical

If you have a medical history of having out of range levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, etc. then getting tested regularly is important. You can get a better idea of your body's functioning when you have clearer results through a lipid panel.

Family history

If you have a family history of high cholesterol or triglycerides, then you should get tested regularly as well. You may also want to get a complete blood panel done if you are experiencing the core symptoms.

Risk factors

If you already have the risk factors present of high cholesterol or triglycerides, then you should get a regular checkup done. This can help in preventing the emergence of potential chronic illnesses and escalation of issues.

You may need a lipid panel if you fall under these categories

If you fall under any of these categories then a complete lipid panel may be right for you. You can get tested in a comprehensive manner and get the results you need to check your lipid levels.

Age over 50 years

If you are older than the age of 50 years, then you should get your lipid panel done regularly. This will help you remain informed of any potential chronic conditions that may arise.

Prior history

If you have a medical history of lipid panel, CBC, or other blood work anomalies, then getting tested is the right approach. You can also get better tracking if you test regularly.

Lifestyle related

If you know that your lifestyle isn't conducive to positive lipid panel levels, i.e. you may be smoking or drinking excessively, then getting tested is the right approach.

Poor nutrition

If you have poor nutrition, then getting tested is the right approach. You can get testing done on your blood panel levels at home.


You should be moving around and walking regularly to ensure that your body is functioning optimally.

Other chronic conditions

If you have diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, or other chronic conditions, then getting your lipid panel done regularly is important. 

How do I book a lipid panel in India?

You can buy a complete lipid panel in India for home testing via MyDiagnostics. You can book a test online, have our expert collect your blood sample from your residence, and receive your report via email.

*Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s)

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