Here's how you can Improve a Hormonal Imbalance in Women

Time to read 3 min

Women can have hormonal imbalances at any point in their lives, which is why it is important to identify the core symptoms and find the right solutions. Hormone imbalances can occur due to issues with endocrine glands, our pituitary gland, a condition such as polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.

You should identify when you are experiencing a hormone imbalance, by checking your hormone levels regularly. If you have suddenly experienced weight gain or rapid weight loss, then you should get your thyroid hormones and adrenal glands checked.

You can opt for these solutions to rectify a hormone imbalance

When it comes to identifying and solving a hormonal imbalance, it is vital to get a base line reading of the hormone levels. You may be experiencing the symptoms of an imbalance, such as acne, mood swings, or restlessness, but it is vital to get a base reading.

Getting tested

There are various levels that need to be tracked, such as the thyroid hormone, growth hormones, estrogen levels, etc. so that you're able to check your overall health. You should get tested for specific hormones if you are on medication or are dealing with an endocrine system condition.

Checking for underlying condition

Some women may have a thyroid gland condition that can cause hyper or hypothyroidism. There may also be an underlying growth hormone deficiency, or you can have a condition that impacts estrogen and progesterone.


Certain medication such as oestrogen, hormone replacement, etc. can help in improving your overall hormonal balance. You can also start medication for thyroid hormones, if your thyroid levels aren't in balance.

Physical activity

There can be a significant boost in your hormones when you opt for physical activities, such as yoga, jogging, swimming, and weight training. You can experience a boost in serotonin and improve your thyroid function by opting for the right physical activity.

Healthy diet

You can start by identifying the deficiencies that may be present so that you can target them to improve your hormonal profile. Deficiencies in potassium, calcium, iron, and other nutrients can lead to a hormonal imbalance in women.

Adequate sleep

Sleep is one of the most important factors when it comes to balancing your hormones. You can improve your body's ability to recover, while also giving rest to your endocrine system. You can get a sleep quality tracker to check if you're able to enter REM sleep for a complete recovery.

Stress management

You can take up meditation, yoga, and other strategies to manage stress. You can also balance high stress periods with better self-care, so that your hormones are balanced. 

Do you have these symptoms of a hormonal imbalance?

These symptoms of a hormonal imbalance can arise during any period, which is why it is important to get a health check-up done to identify underlying deficiencies. You can fix these with medication and lifestyle related changes.

Mood swings

Mood swings are one of the most important signs that you should be careful of. These mood swings may be related to short term stress, changes in hormones, or other factors.


You can get anxiousness like feelings which can be connected to hyperthyroidism, low estrogen, and other factors.

Rapid heartbeat

With greater T3 being present in the blood stream, you may experience a rapid heartbeat symptom. Your ECG may showcase this graphically, and you should get further testing done to check for the underlying cause.

Sweating profusely

You can experience profuse sweating, which is another sign that there may be a hormonal issue present. This may be accompanied by headaches and a rapid heartbeat.

Irregular periods

The menstrual cycle may be impacted if there is too much thyroid hormone present. Your periods may be impacted during the short term due to high-stress or due to changes in the hormonal profile.


Vaginal dryness is another key indicator of a hormone issue. You can experience dryness that may lead to itching or discomfort. You can also experience dryness when there is low estrogen or when there is a change in other hormones.


Acne is one of the more common signs of a hormonal issue. These may be normal around puberty, but should be checked with closer examination during other times. You may have acne that is normal throughout your life, but abnormal acne signs should be checked.

Hot flashes

Hot flashes can occur during menopause, and also during other periods of hormonal changes. You can experience periods of extreme heat, with sweating, and then crashing of energy.

Heavy periods

Your period flow may be heavier than normal when you're on medication, have an underlying condition, or have a fluctuation in your thyroid hormone. You can compare this with other symptoms to know whether you have a hormone imbalance.


Infertility may be connected to a condition, such as PCOS, or an overall imbalance in your hormone profile. You can get checked for the underlying reasons for the hormone imbalance to see if that may be the cause behind the infertility.

Low vitality

Low vitality is another important symptom that shouldn't be ignored. You may be experiencing dizziness, sluggishness, and headaches as a part of the low vitality symptom group.

Tests to consider

Supplements to consider