What is the Prolactin Test Normal Range? What does High PRL mean?

The prolactin test normal range (PRL normal) is less than 20 ng/mL (425 µg/L) for men, and less than 25 ng/mL (25 µg/L) for non-pregnant women. Pregnant women can have a prolactin level of between 80 to 400 ng/mL (80 to 400 µg/L).

There are other factors that also impact the prolactin levels in the body, such as medical history, injury, medical condition, thyroid issues, etc. Your doctor can make an informed decision through bloodwork, imaging tests, etc. and perform a complete medical analysis. 

This is what high prolactin levels can mean for men and women

Hyperprolactinemia or higher than normal prolactin levels can lead to a range of conditions and issues in the body. The test of the prolactin levels can indicate potential problems, and help tie in symptoms such as infertility, low libido, and weakness to PRL levels.


Prolactinoma or a noncancerous tumour growing on the pituitary gland can be one of the reasons for long-term high prolactin levels. You can get a blood test to detect the condition and start treatment for it to ensure that you're protected.

Risk of hypothyroidism

Long-term high levels of prolactin in the body can lead to a higher risk of developing hypothyroidism. This can often cause symptoms such as sluggishness, low concentration, issues with focus, etc. Your thyroid may require additional screening for long-term heath.

Other tumour risk

There may be other growths or tumours present on the pituitary gland, which would have to be tested as well. A range of imaging and blood tests can be performed to check for the risk of tumour growth, which can be detected.

Kidney disease

In patients with kidney disease, they may have higher levels of prolactin present. This can be tested through an at-home PRL test, which can check for the overall levels. Your doctor can determine the kidney disease risk by testing for the specific markers.

Higher stress

Higher levels of stress can sometimes lead to higher prolactin levels, especially if the individual also has other hormonal related issues. You can experience higher prolactin symptoms when you're also managing high stress environments long term.



Here's when you should get a PRL test done

It is vital to get a prolactin test done to check the levels of prolactin in the blood. A prolactin blood test is the best way to check for regular hormonal functioning, risk of infertility, and long-term issues with osteoporosis.

Sexual dysfunction

Prolactin produced by the pituitary gland, can impact sexual functioning in men and women. The presence of high prolactin in the body can lead to sexual dysfunction in some cases.

Discharge in nipple

Nipple discharge when you're not pregnant, should be checked for high prolactin levels in the body. You can get a complete bloodwork check-up done as well to understand if it is connected to other conditions.

Irregular period

Your periods may stop or become irregular based on higher prolactin levels. If you don't have PCOS or other conditions that can impact your menstrual cycle, then it may be important to get your PRL levels tested.

Fertility related issues

Fertility can be affected by the amount of prolactin present in the body. You should get a PRL test done when you're planning for a family.



Important symptoms to track when managing prolactin levels

If you're managing prolactinoma or other conditions related to changing prolactin levels, then tracking these symptoms will be vital. You can also get regularly home-tested through our PRL test, to detect irregularities quickly.


Women can experience vaginal dryness, which can disrupt normal sexual functioning as well as affect the genital bacterial environment. Excess dryness can lead to irritation, which can further cause issues.

Changes in facial hair

You can experience changes in facial hair and acne, for both men and women, which is why this symptom is important to track. You can detect changes in PRL levels, through at home testing.

Low libido

Fluctuations in prolactin levels can sometimes lead to issues with libido, which can impact both men and women. You can experience issues with this when the prolactin in the blood is higher than normal range.


You can experience general weakness, with muscle pain and loss of muscle development as well. Prolactinoma or issues with the pituitary gland can lead to a general sense of weakness, which is important to track.

Issues with bone health

There is a risk of osteoporosis and other bone health related issues when there is long-term high prolactin levels in the body. You should check your PRL levels regularly, as well as your thyroid and other hormones when you're at risk.



* * Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).