What is Celiac Disease? What are its symptoms?
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
Celiac disease is a condition in which there is an immune response to consuming gluten. It is also called celiac sprue and people with celiac disease need to follow a gluten free diet to manage their celiac disease symptoms.
Untreated celiac disease can lead to complications with malabsorption, damage to digestive tract, and bone density loss. Your risk factor of refractory celiac disease also rises when the disease is left untreated and the digestive symptoms aren't correctly addressed.
You should get blood tests done to determine if you have celiac disease. The symptoms of celiac disease vary widely which is why it is important to track them over time.
Sensitivity, irritability, bloating, and gas may be vital early symptoms to track when you have celiac.
Your digestive system may be compromised as a result of long-term celiac disease, which can lead to diarrhoea.
Your body may be unable to absorb nutrients normally, leading to fatigue, headaches, and other related symptoms.
If you have suddenly lost a lot of weight, then you should get tested for celiac disease.
Your immune system may be overworked while being at risk of developing further complications.
Ulcers may be a critical symptom of celiac disease, which should be treated immediately. Mouth ulcers may be one of the main signs of digestive health problems.
You may experience inflammation and painful joints, along with muscle pain, when you have celiac disease.
You may also experience redness, burning, and skin itching which can further lead to dermatitis herpetiformis if you don't treat celiac disease.
You should be careful of these risk factors when the celiac disease is left untreated. Your symptoms may also escalate as a result, requiring additional attention and treatment.
A long-term iron deficiency can arise when there is celiac disease present in the body. You may develop anaemia as a result, which would require treatment separately.
Done density loss, due to malnutrition, is a critical risk factor especially in women. The risk factor of developing osteoporosis rises when there is continued bone density loss.
Chronic exposure to gluten may lead to further damage to the digestive system. Your risk for digestive and kidney diseases also rises when you aren't able to diagnose celiac disease in time.
Due to long-term malabsorption, the risk of not being able to absorb calcium vitamin D3, proteins, and other nutrients rises. This can lead to malnutrition in children, adults, and senior citizens.
You can experience significant weight loss over time, which may not be attributed to any single chronic condition. You should get a complete blood test, along with a digestive test done, to determine the root cause.
You may experience neurological symptoms such as attention disorder, muscle control issues, headaches, etc. with an untreated celiac disease diagnosis.
Your risk of developing an autoimmune disorder rises significantly with untreated celiac disease. MS and other autoimmune disorders may emerge as a result.
You can explore a range of digestive health tests in India through MyDiagnostics.
The cost of the digestive health tests starts from INR 2900.
You can get your report in most cases within a few days.
*Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).