A young girl's battle against PCOS
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
My daughter was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) around two months ago. However, it was a year ago when her symptoms started. After she got her first periods she started gaining weight rapidly and was also faced with acne problems. She remained fatigued at all times. Most of the doctors dismissed our worries by stating that it was normal and that things would fall in place once she got older. However, with time her periods started becoming all the more irregular. Initially, her periods would be delayed by a few weeks and then she started missing them for months together. She would miss out on school for days together when she would finally get her periods due to excessive blood flow and severe headaches. She also had to drop out of her school badminton team which she loved because of her condition. That was when I and my husband started to look into her problem seriously. A doctor suggested that she might be suffering from PCOS and that we should get her tested.
It was during this time when one of our friends suggested MyDiagnostics to us. On contacting them they suggested that we go for their PCOS package as it would suit our requirements perfectly. We were explained about the requirements of the test and we booked a date and time as per our convenience. The sample collection was prompt and hassle-free. We received the detailed reports in a day which made it clear that our daughter was suffering from PCOS. The team at MyDiagnostics also set up a consultation with one of their experienced medical practitioners who specializes in PCOS. She was very helpful explained to us all about PCOS in detail and how we as parents can act as major support systems during this difficult time our daughter is going through. She also spoke to our daughter at length about how proper nutrition and exercise along with timely medication can help her continue all that she loved to do without affecting her health. She helped renew the vigour in our daughter to face her PCOS problem bravely.
Now, my daughter is successfully learning to battle her PCOS problem while also doing all that she loves like playing badminton, enjoying her school life with her friends etc.
*Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s)
FACT: Majority of people with PCOS who are trying to conceive will become pregnant and give birth without any fertility treatment at least once in their life