What Tests are a Part of an Erectile Dysfunction Test in India?

Time to read 3 min

When considering a complete erectile dysfunction test it is important to know what tests you should opt for specifically. Your doctor may also review your medical history and suggest specific blood tests and mental health assessments to determine the root causes. The medical and sexual history of the individual can also provide more information with regards to sexual dysfunction or ED.

You can get the following tests for erectile dysfunction

These tests should be a part of a complete analysis for why you may be experiencing ED.

Physical examination

An erection self test and a complete physical exam can be one of the first few tests to perform to understand why you are experiencing ED.

Energy & metabolism

Your metabolic health, along with your vitality indicators, will be tested through a blood test. This can provide some insight into the internal reasons for ED.

Hormone profile

Your thyroid hormone profile can be studied to check for signs of an over or underactive gland.

Sex & vitality

Testosterone, DHEA, FSH, oestrogen, and other hormone levels should also be checked to determine the root cause of your ED.

Blood panel

A complete blood panel may be recommended to check for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other conditions that could cause ED.

Urine analysis

Urine tests can help in determining whether there is infection or high risk of chronic illness. These factors could be behind the erectile disfunction diagnosis.


An ultrasound examination of your genitals will also be able to help in determining potential causes for ED, such as injury or vascular/non-vascular reasons.

Apart from these you can also opt for a nocturnal penile tumescence test, an injection test, and other self-tests to understand your blood flow and erection quality.

There are several reasons behind erectile dysfunction

These could be some of the reasons behind erectile dysfunction during sexual intercourse.


An injury to the region could impact blood vessels and blood flow to the area.

Vascular disease

Conditions, such as atherosclerosis, can lead to poor erection quality. Individuals with a urinary tract infection could also experience ED symptoms.

Psychological factors

There may be psychological factors involved requiring a mental health exam. Psychological ED could be a key reason.

Neurological disorders

Some neurological conditions, including MS, can lead to impaired blood flow and signalling for a proper erection.


Medication such as diuretics and antihistamines may cause ED in some individuals.

Poor diet & lifestyle

Your diet and lifestyle choices can have an effect on a healthy sex life and erection quality. Smoking, excessive drinking, illegal drugs, and other lifestyle

Managing chronic condition

If you have diabetes, high BP, high sugar, and other chronic conditions, this may have an impact on your erection quality.


After the age of 60 years, your erection quality may be impacted to a certain degree. 

You can opt for the following solutions for ED

These solutions may help in addressing erectile dysfunction in some individuals.

Changing diet

Changing your diet to improve the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits can help in improving overall vitality.

Shifting lifestyle choices

Going away from smoking, excessive drinking, and other lifestyle factors can help in improving blood flow to the genital region.

Focusing on improving blood markers

You can get a blood test done to address core deficiencies and use medication to treat them directly.


You can get medication for ED which can help in improving blood flow and sexual health.

Focusing on deficiencies

Core deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can be the root cause behind ED for some people. This can be fixed with the right supplementation.


Exercising is a key way of improving circulatory functioning and boosting testosterone.

Improving testosterone levels

Through medication or testosterone therapy you can improve your T-levels over time. This can help in boosting erection quality, and overall vitality levels.

Doctors may also suggest a vacuum erection device, penile injections, or prescription drugs to help with erection quality. You should always consult with a specialist before initiating any treatment protocol.

How do I book an erectile dysfunction test in India?

You can book the erectile dysfunction ED test within the complete Men's health package through MyDiagnostics. You can gain insights on your overall medical health through the blood test.

When will I get the results of my ED test?

You will get your complete medical health check-up report within 48-60 hours, which should help in understanding the core reasons behind ED.

What is the cost of the erectile dysfunction test in India?

You can get the UltraMan Health package at INR 5999 for a complete men's health check-up.

*Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).

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