What Foods are Right for Me? How many Calories in an Apple?

When starting a new diet it is important to consult a dietician about your weight gain or weight loss goals. It is also important to track your quality of foods consumed as well. While an apple has about 100 calories, you should also focus on getting a wide variety of fruits and vegetables into your daily consumption.

While eating apples are highly recommended by dieticians, due to their high fibre and nutrient content, you should also focus on citrus, berries, bananas, coconuts, and other types of fruits. An apple a day may keep the doctor away if your overall diet is also rich in other types of fruits.

You should also focus on long-term goals rather than shorter term approaches. These may be more sustainable and achievable over time, as you are less likely to lose muscle mass or bone density through longer term diets.

What foods should I add into my diet for healthy living?

There are a range of foods that you should definitely add into your diet, which is why capturing them as a group will be better when starting a new diet. You should also ensure that you're taking in a range of fruits, vegetables, and different cuisines. This will help you expand your dietary horizon and keep things fun for you.

You should always add carbohydrates as the health benefits of rice and rotis in terms of both nutrients and calories are inherent. You should add multigrain and nachni rotis in the event that you are looking for a nutrient-filled option for your meals.

You should then definitely focus on lentils as a key source of minerals and proteins. Of the several lentils available, the calories are in smaller amounts when you consume them by the bowl. This makes them a highly important source of nutrition in the Indian context.

When it comes to fruits, you should add a range of berries, such as cranberries and blackberries. These can be helpful in adding much needed antioxidants and vitamins. You should also improve your intake of citrus through oranges and lemons.

When understanding how many calories in an apple, you should also focus on the overall minerals and nutrients in that apple. You should choose fruits and vegetables that are fresh, organic, or locally sourced.

Apples oranges bananas and other fruits are important to add in Indian diet


How do I identify a harmful or fad diet?

You can identify a fad diet by the following parameters.

Focus on short term goals

If there is a short term focus which claims to help you gain or lose X amount of weight in Y days, then you should avoid following that diet. It may be a fad diet that may not be effective for everyone.

Drastic changes from norm

If there is a drastic change in the types of meals you consume, such as the pure carnivore diet or the milk and meat diet or other forms, then you should change the dietary approach.

Newly introduced to people

If the diet is newly introduced to people and is just catching on as a trend, then you should avoid that diet as well. You can understand the elements of that diet and consider why that may be effective.

Lack of nutrients

While the number of apples or the calories in apples are markers that you should analyse, the risk of following a diet that only has a specific type of food is significant. You should follow a diet with a range of nutrients included.



What symptoms should I track when starting a new diet?

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then changing your diet or stopping the new diet will be important. This is so that you're not putting yourself in any harm's way.


You can experience tiredness or fatigue when following the new diet, as there may be a lack of quality nutrients. Your diet may also be lacking the necessary carbohydrates needed to help maintain energy.

Loss of wellbeing

You may experience a loss or lack of wellbeing due to the diet, which can be as a result of different reasons. You may not have the right vitamins, which are important for wellbeing, namely C, D, and E, in your diet.

Muscle or joint pain

Your diet may not include any foods that are rich in water or hydrated electrolytes, which is why you may have issues with muscle or joint pain. You can also experience a range of ailments emerging from fad diets that can impact your strength and wellness.

Prone to sickness

Your immune health may be taking a bit of a hit if your diet isn't adding vitamin C or the essential nutrients required for healthy white blood cell production. You can change your diet if your blood test is showing a low WBC count.

Issues with cognition

If you're feeling confused or you're getting headaches, then you may have an issue with cognition or your dietary intake. You should change your diet habits immediately when you're experiencing this. 

* * Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s).