When are the Viral Fever Symptoms in Kids considered Dangerous?

Time to read 3 min

There are many instances wherein a viral fever may escalate towards dangerous territory, which is why it is important to know the symptoms that should be monitored. Your child's health condition may also become affected based on the type of bacteria present.

You should also track the symptoms of viral fever closely, if you have a child that is prone to viral fevers. Several of the main viral fever symptoms causes significant effects in a child's development. This is a key factor to understand so that your child is able to grow without developmental issues.

A viral fever is considered dangerous in the following cases

You should be careful about fevers in several cases. These can be important to track over time so that you're aware of any potential risk factors present.

Fever escalating

The continued escalation of the fever is a significant risk factor that should be tracked. In some cases a fever may rise and then slowly come down, but in most situations you should visit a doctor if there is an escalation beyond normal range.

Spreading to other parts

An infection can spread to other parts of the body causing secondary symptoms of viral fever. These symptoms should also be tracked closely so that there is a clearer understanding of the presence of an infection.

Significant risk of spreading

If there is a risk of spreading to other people, then this fever should be taken more seriously. An infection may become dangerous to others if there are elderly members or babies present in the family.

Risk of severe dehydration

Dehydration is a critical symptom that may enter dangerous territory for younger children. You should continuously provide ORS or other hydrating salts in water. This should ensure that the body doesn't lose too many essential salts through fever or sweats.


Hallucinations and delirium are critical symptoms of a dangerous fever which may have escalated. You can ask your child if they are experiencing hallucinations and get them the right treatment at the doctor's office.


If your child is exhibiting symptoms of shock or an inability to move, then you should get them to a doctor immediately. The infection may be spreading to other parts of the body, in which case further analysis will be required.


If your child doesn't have a history of seizures and is suddenly experiencing them, then it may be time to get a complete check-up done. The infection may be a sign of something worse, requiring immediate medical treatment.

Risk of organ failure

There may be a critical risk of organ failure if your child is experiencing pain in their organs. This may be pain that is localised to specific areas, or a sensation of complete body pain. You may also have to get further tests done to check for further analysis.

Here's what you need to know about viral fever spreading

It is important to know what are the main reasons why viral infections spread such as coughing, sneezing, sharing tissues, etc. You can protect your family better when you identify the right metrics of a viral infection. Body temperature can be a critical indicator that a viral fever may be present in one of your kids.


Coughing consistently may lead to the spreading of infection to other people as well as causing issues for younger children.


Sneezing is another common way of spreading infection, and kids should be taught to use napkins when they need to sneeze.

Contact with surfaces

You should insist on washing hands after your children have touched other surfaces that may be containment zones for infectious bacteria.

Ticks or mosquito bites

Ticks can spread infection to other people, and can be a form of spreading of infection from one person to another.

Food contamination

A viral fever is prone to affect the body when there is a contamination present in food. Several of viral infections can be attributed to contamination in some form to food that may be present in several areas.

 *Medical Disclaimer - The following information is for educational purposes only. No information provided on this website, including text, graphic, and images, are intended as substitutes for professional medical advice. Please consult with your doctor about specific medical advice pertaining to your condition(s)

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